Am I crazy or is "Adrenalin" Spelled wrong?

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Tommy Masters

Apr 3, 2011
Reaction score
charlotte, NC
I got a 2004 Black Adrenalin ST and I was just thinking today that it looked like Adrenalin was spelled funny. When I looked it up it should have an "E" on the end of it. Just wondering if I am way off on this or if it is spelled that way for a reason. Anybody else ever notice this or know why there is no "E" on the end?
Maybe someone has a Patent on it being spelled the other way, or maybe it has been spelt that way on a vehicle years ago ? :driving:
Add the "e" at the end and you get a patented and copyritghted name for a cardiac drug. Although used in many forms for different parts of the body for different reasons, its main function is to constrict blood vessels and increase heart rate. Bob
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Isn't adrenaline a naturally occurring stimulant our body produces Bob? Pretty sure it's released by endorphins in times of stress or danger as apart of our body's "Fight or flight" response
Yes, it does occur naturally in the body. It comes from the adrenal glands that sit on top of your kidneys. This is the "fight or flight" feeling/drug when they sqeeze a little bit into your system. Hence, Adrenal fluid! Adrenaline, is a more potent form that is used as above. Bob

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