Perpetual member of Stockbridge Lodge #691, Stockbridge, GA; since 1996 (app was in on my 21st B-Day). :grin:
I have only heard of one black ball at a lodge in my life (from people I know anyway). They said that one was expected, so no turmoil from it. It is one of those things that is hard to take sides on. My personal feeling is that I would have a hard time BB'ing a person. Even knowing that a person was not necessarily 'right' for a lodge because of past knowledge of their life - the lodge and experiences from it might be the one thing that turns a person around - and that would be the one thing that would keep me from BB'ing them. I think the only thing that would make me do it is that I knew they were there not to join the lodge for themselves, but because they had ill intentions toward the lodge or someone within the fraternity.
If it is the first time it has happened, I might suggest opening a dialogue in the next meeting to not necessarily discuss the person that was blackballed, but to start by discussing the effects of it and why a BB would be given. Opening the dialogue and conversation would also open the conversation about the person that received it. The investigation group passed them, so there may be other insight that comes out to change a person's mind. It could change a for the positive, or depending on the conversation, might show it was deserved.
Without ever being involved in one, it is hard to know exactly how to react. But I would make sure all sides stay civil and professional. Remembering we are brothers is the best outcome...