I took her to the dog park today. I started off in the small dog area. She did really well. Wasnt aggressive with dogs that were smaller than her, and she's only 2 1/2 months old. Although she already weighs in at 25lbs. She kept going to the fence where the big dogs were and running up and down. Everybody was like dont take her over there, she's just a puppy and will get beat up.
Took her over there anyway. She submitted to every dog that approached her, let them do their inspection. She quickly learned who her playmates were, and who to stay away from. She did awesome. She was the smallest dog there, but she was having a ball playing with dobies, great danes, shephards. THere was 1 other pit there, he wasnt aggressive, but kind of rough with other dogs. Just threw his weight around instead of biting.
She definitely stole the show. Everybody ooh'd and ahh'd over her.
She gets lots of love and 1 on 1 attention. She's insanely intelligent. 3 to 5 times of trying to teach her tricks she picks them up. She's attentive enough to listen to me when I tell her to sit or come when there's 15 dogs running around her and it's hectic. She's got a great dispotision and temperment. I think with love and training she is going to be an awesome dog.
Hopefully as she grows up, and she's around so many people, I can help destroy the nasty reputation that dumb people give pit bulls. If I can change one person's opinion, I'll be happy.