Attacked by the airborne buck brigade

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Rob Hoffman

Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score
Richmond, NY
Friday morning, about 7:20am. About 35mph.

I didn't see him until he was half-way through the windshield... didn't even have a chance to panic. Handsome 8-pointer, about 120 pounds.

He came from behind a stand of pines on the drivers side, and apparently tried to jump over the Trac (according to an eyewitness). His hoof caught the drivers door and he fell onto the windshield. He hit so hard that the Yakima rack at the front was bent and pushed backward nearly 6 inches.

I ended up with a few cuts on my hand from pushing the glass away from my face, but that was it. Very lucky overall.

No idea about repair costs - the insurance company indicated it may be a few days before they can even look at it, since many of the adjusters are still working in the hurricane areas. Anybody care to venture a guesstimate?

More pics in my library.


[Broken External Image]:

Glad your not hurt. If he had come through antlers first, that could have been bad.

Amazing the amount of damage..What mph were you traveling?
Hey, that's a nice bash. I'm going to figure $2,600. The Ford glass is spendy, but is better than the PPG glass, which is still very good. Also, the pillars may have been tweaked. Glad you're okay.

I'm gonna guess way over $3,000 my girlfriend had gotten rear ended acouple weeks ago and her bumper was misaligned, acouple scratches on the bumper and the trunk was leaking and they quoted $2,800 for repairs and this is on a cheap saturn and this looks far more damaged than hers.
i think you are lucky the trac was not i think it will be more than $3000 roof pillars glass door headliner rear view mirror and the compass set up sunroof hood. that is just buy the pics.
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OUCH! Man, good for you getting out of that OK.

$$$s? Well, my Lincoln LS (2001) was rear ended a few months ago. It was crunched, but still driveable. Replaced bumper and fixed trunk and both rear qtr panels. Painted all. THey did a great job. But the total bill was just shy of $4000 (all paid for by the other guy's insurance of course.)

Looking at yours, and seeing that the roof needs lots of work, new windshield, headliner and everything that goes in and on them, perhaps the A pillars will need work, the driver mirror and perhaps door needs work? and what about the hood- is it OK? I'd say you'll be lucky to get away for under $4grand. Whose deer was it anyway? Sue the state.

I hit a deer in Utah in 2002. I was dumb enough to report it to the State troopers. I figured at least they could go by and put the thing out of it's misery (it was late at night on a 2 laner and I had an 18 wheeler drafting me when I hit the deer so no way I was stopping). So the trooper fills out the report and in the Estimated damage box he puts $700. I say what's that? He says that's the value of a deer in Utah. So my ins had to pay them $700. Turnabout oughtta be fair play, huh? BTW, I asked if they would go by and take care of the deer - Nope, it's probably dead by now was his answer.
Safety is first priority. As long as you're safe, everything is likewise fine. The ST is fixable.

So the trooper fills out the report and in the Estimated damage box he puts $700. I say what's that? He says that's the value of a deer in Utah. So my ins had to pay them $700.


When I hit the deer with the old X, it was nearly 2AM. I went back the next morning to see if it was still there (and moreover, to drag it off the road if I had to) but it was gone. Months later, through the grape vine, I learned a neighbor took it and had it cleaned and packed. Because it occurred January and the temperatures were a below zero overnight, the deer must have been preserved.
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With the damage I see. The You might want to start looking for a new Trac. I don't think the insurance will risk the structural integrity liability. But, I could be wrong. Clip the top of the Trac would be really easy to fix. but the man hours would be rough on the bill.

Glad your ok !!!!! Sorry about the Trac...

I am going to say the ins company will total the truck, Most of the time once there is roof damage, they total it.....

Hey, Buy it back and part that sucker out....

Todd Z
Thanks for the well-wishes everyone. I really do believe someone was looking out for me.

The poor truck was just over a year old, with 25,000 miles. Just last weekend I had the lower ball joints replaced, and a new set of tires put on.

I've already started looking at other vehicles. I doubt the structural integrity can be restored given the bowing and warping of the roof, and I really don't want to put myself or a passenger in a dangerous situation. I'm not sure what direction to go - another Trac (that would be my third), or perhaps move to an F-150. The Trac has done nearly everything I have asked of it, but it's unable to carry my ATV (yeah I know, get a trailer...).

If it comes to totalling the truck, I imagine that the insurance co. will tell me the value is well under what I owe. How much negotiating room is there in this sort of situation? I've never had to do that before.

As for the deer, a homeowner across the street arranged for her pastor to come and pick him up for processing. I think he was a little too chewed up to get a lot of useable meat, but they can sort that out themselves. I only asked that I be given the rack. Maybe I'll tie that to the bumper of the next vehicle as a voodoo curse against the next deer to cross my path...
Until they give you the check, it's YOUR TRUCK. If you're not happy, tell them. Definately go in armed - get NADA, Kelly, etc book values, look around dealer lots for similar age/miliage trucks, news paper ads etc. The more you present them, the more they know they can't mess around. Until you sign on the dotted line and they give you a check, you have the power, more or less. Make sure that the insurance co does not have the truck towed to their lot. If it's in a storage lot at a body shop, it's costing them money and it will apply additional pressure on them.

The biggest thing is to do your homework. Have price comparrisons handy and the number of your state insurance board ready and waiting.
I am personal friends with a guy that manages a Ford collission repair center and he does much of the work on Fords in our region. I have been in his shop many times. I have seen him replace whole roofs before. I hope they total it for you, but if they don't, be prepared to take it to a very reputable center.
Before you decide on the F150 you may want to wait till they resolve the siezing and snapping off spark plug issue they are having with the "new redesigned plug" read all about it at the link below. I hope that I will be able to trade in mine before I need the plugs done, or that they have a fix by then.
Yup, the thread is now 25 pages long, multiple people are now reporting this. People have been pulling them out and finding lots of rust built up on the plugs, some have now discovered that the plug spins inside the thread. One guy posted a short vid of this in that link. A ford Tech on that site wrote Ford and they say they are aware of the issue and 'working on it'

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