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Nelson Atwell

Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
Bydgoszcz, Poland
I arrived home early ths morning from Kentucky. Even though I only spent about 1 hr 15 mins at the meet, it was nice to see the folks I had a chance to see. I looked for Tom (Caymen), Larry Phillips and others, but I guess they were hiding in the crowd. Sorry I missed you guys. I left while you guys were eating lunch.

There were some really sweet STs gathered this year. Hopefully, next year I'll be able to stay the whole day, and interact more. :cool:
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good to here you had fun even for an hour. i wish i had an hour to go there and have fun. and also nelson thanks fro the sticker its on the trac and lookin good

Hey Nelson,

It's good you got back OK. It was a pleasure for Deby and I to meet you and see you at Hubers. We're glad you were able to stop by.
Craig, it was nice to meet you as well. I spoke to you more than anyone else. Thank you for the two cool UK Wildcat pens too. That was a really nice surprise. :) I'll drop a note next time I get to Lexington, and maybe we can have lunch.

Paul, I'm glad you have the sticker. I'm guessing everyone should have them now, except perhaps the folks in Canada and Hawaii. :cool:

[Broken External Image]:
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Nelson, I didn't even know that you had stopped by. I asked Larry last night, and he didn't see you either. Sorry I missed you and I look foward to meeting you at the next national meet.

I saw you pull up, turned to my Trac (it must have looked familiar to you - take away the pin stripe, and they're twins), turned back, and you were gone!

Here's to catching you at the next one.
Adam, I saw your truck. It did look like a twin, except for the pin stripes. Craig and I stood next to your truck for at least 15 minutes talking. Is your truck lowered a little? I know I have oversized tires, but I don't think that would make the difference I saw yesterday. JeffC, I looked for as many folks as I could think of. Sorry I missed you and all the other folks.

I wish I could have stayed for the whole day, but I really needed to get back home to catch up on things before work tomorrow. As it was I got home at 3:30 a.m. I lost a lot of time looking for a hotel room once I got to Springfield, MO (I have NEVER been able to find a room in that town!). I finally gave up after looking there and at Joplin, and just drove until I had to stop for a long nap in one of the rest stops. I spoke briefly to ToddZ, Rich Stern, LaRue, WFoy (he was setting up John Tee's XCal II, I believe). I also had a long conversation with Craig (and Deby). I think I also spoke to Deuce, and said "Hi" to a lot of other folks, who probably didn't know me, since I didn't have a name tag on. Considering my short stay, I am lucky I could meet that many folks.

The Silverstar headlights and fogs are awesome on dark highways. I saw a lot of things moving about at 2:00 a.m. along I-44 in Oklahoma. I was able to see an opossum from about 400 feet as I was driving 75 mph (the speed limit out there). It allowed me to safely move over a few feet and miss hitting him. Shortly after, I saw a fox walking along the side of the highway, which I though was pretty cool. I had my eyes peeled for deer, but fortunately none where on the road last night.

Only complaint, I tried to hit the brights and it actually gave me less light, since the fogs go off. Has anyone figured out a mod for '04 model sport tracs to allow the highbeams and fogs to work together? I know a few people have tried, but I never heard of anyone being successful. :unsure:

I wished you would have looked closer. I was either eating or helping "Rodger (& Georgia)" put three spark plugs in his Trac. I stuck around pretty close and didn't venture far away.

Maybe next time.

Tom, I looked for Rodger and Georgia too, since I had met them in OKC before the Dallas meet last year. The contest judging was ongoing, so I didn't see anyone under the hoods, except the judges.

I arrived about 45 minutes before lunch was served and left after everyone was seated. Perhaps my timing was just bad. I hope next year will be my year to spend the whole weekend at the meet. I almost came over on Friday night, but my last day in Lexington turned out to be very busy. I was almost out of town early enough to meet you guys at the hotel for the convoy to Hubers, but it didn't work out. I also couldn't find the phone numbers a couple of folks e-mailed me. I figured out today that those messages had downloaded to my home PC, and therefore weren't available to me in Kentucky. Next time, I'll print those things out before leaving home.

Basically, nothing went as planned yesterday...I even got lost briefly in Louisville trying to get onto I-65 North. Leave it to Louisville to design a highway that requires you to be in the left lane to turn right to cross the river. I got off at the first exit to turn around, and they did it again -- I had to be in the right lane to turn left off of that exit! Needless to say, I was fuming and cussing the entire city at that point! :blink:
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I did the plugs after dinner. I guess before dinner, I was spending a little time with Theresa walking around looking at Trac's.

Don't feel bad Nelson....Jeff, who was driving, JK, Larry and I somehow went to the airport when trying to get home from dinner Saturday nite. We also somehow ended up behind people who left a good 5mins after we did. Yeah, we don't know either, fun though.
Hey Nelson,

Not lowered - but that's what 255s that have 1/4 tread will do. :) Right now, the tires look like they're 245s. New tires will happen before winter. I have no idea in my absentmindedness how I missed you there, though.
Don't feel bad Nelson....Jeff, who was driving, JK, Larry and I somehow went to the airport when trying to get home from dinner Saturday nite. We also somehow ended up behind people who left a good 5mins after we did. Yeah, we don't know either, fun though.

Ha Ha. You guys are just lucky I had that couple with Theresa and I. I did not think it was right to drive a little agressive with them in the vehicle.


After looking at your photograph in your library, I would swear I sat nearly next to you at the pre-tour meeting in the Ford conference room. I cannot believe I did not meet this many people. While everyone had a "meet," I must have thought it was a "sit quietly." :blink:

The first day is the hardest. We don't knkow what to expect and we are all a little nervous. After the second day, we are comfortable with each other. I was the one turning wrenches over the weekend. At the Dyno event, I helped Jeff C install plugs and wires on his Trac. At the Huber Farm, I helped Rodger install the three right side plugs on his Trac. At the hotel, I helped Monkeyboy install the step bars he purchased from John Tee. I was a busy guy over the weekend and loved every minute of it.


Well, if there is a 2007 meet (word is that the next meet might be 2008) Theresa would like to make the name tags. Not that there was anything wrong with the name tags we had this year, but her thoughts is that we use the Name of the member, thier screen name, Location, and maybe a picture of the Trac he/she drives.

That way, when we see someone, you don't see the name, like myself, Tom Schindler, but you would see:


Tom Schindler

Akron, Ohio

Then a small pic of my Trac.

My name tag: NelsonOKC

you could add

Nelson Atwell

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

...but why be redundant? I think next year I will get a t-shirt with "NelsonOKC" on it. :)