Regarding Global Warming: it is real BUT I am not convenced that it is all due to burning of fossil fuels. What brought us out of the Ice Age??? I tsure wasn't all those cave men learning how to use fire and learning the fine art of barbeque!!! It happens all by itself. We didn't do a thing to help it back then and I don't think that anything that we do now will influence it.
Now back to what Dan was talking about regarding the "bird flu" You all are missing the point. It is not the present form of the virus that we are concerned about. The concern is about the cross hybridization with the "human form" of the influenza A virus that would turn it into a doomsday or "Andromida Strain" that would be the killer virus. This thing could be so virulent that once you contract it ,and even if you could get to the doctor's office or an ER, you could DIE WHILE YOU ARE WAITING TO BE SEEN!!! I've never been one to be too worried about catching something from my patients. Not even worried about bioterrorism with munitions grade anthrax. But this does scare me. It has happened before ala "the Spanish Flu". Do the research and read able it and you will understand what happened. Most of the records are incomplete and do not accuratley reflect the scope of the impact back then.
Back in 1918 we were mostly a rural society and was harder to spread the virus. Today we are mostly urban and are a global society. Once this starts it will spread fairly quickly and the world as we know it WILL COME TO AN END!!! Yes, humanity will survive but a lot of us will not be around. Heck, there may not be enough people to bury us all. Now that's a happy thought for the weekend isn't it.
What can we do about this? NOT A LOT at this point other than to try to exterminate any infected birds.