That's very good to hear. Tornado's are one of the things that really scare me. They may not be as big as Hurricanes, but usually you get a week or two notice to prep for a hurricane, Tornadoes only give you seconds to minutes. When I was younger a tornado went through my city. We were driving to pick up my sister as she was supposed to be in a parade that day, but because of severe weather, they cancelled it. She wasn't at the park where we dropped her off (later found out my uncle had picked her up and brought her to my grandmas). As we were driving around, we looked up the block and less than a city block up was a tornado coming right down the street. I've never seen my mom run through stop lights before let a lone speed 55 in a 30 mph zone. I'll never forget that and I hope and pray that I don't get any closer to one.