So now we have people showing up around the country calling for a boycott of BP. Now I've been a bit out of touch for the past week, so as soon as I saw a story about a BP boycott I said to myself .... "Self. That idiot race pimp Jesse Jackson has to be behind this." So a quick trip to Google news and the entry of the words "Boycott, BP and Jackson" into the search string confirmed what I already knew. There's that useless footstool leading the movement, with socialist icon Ralph Nader right there with him.
Can someone please tell me on what level of insanity a boycott of BP makes sense? A few things to consider:
1. The Deepwater Horizon oil drilling rig did not belong to BP. It belonged to a group named Transocean.
2. At the time of the explosion there were 126 people working on the Transocean rig. Only 8 of them were BP employees.
3. The vast majority of BP stations - the targets of the boycott - are privately owned by small businessmen. The employees of these stations are not employees of BP.
4. What sense does it make to, on one hand, try to starve BP of money while, on the other hand, demanding that they pay the costs of the cleanup? This line of thinking could only make sense to someone like Jesse Jackson.
So what happens when you boycott your local BP station? First, you do little, if anything, to actually cause any financial harm to BP itself. The people you do hurt are the local businessmen who own and operate the stations and your neighbors that they hire. If your idiotic boycotts are successful all you are managing to do is to put people in your own community out of work. Tell you what ... after you spend an afternoon picketing your local BP station, why don't you contact the owner and ask for the name and address of one of the employees he has laid off due to a decline in business. Stick your nifty little "Boycott BP" sign in your trunk and then drive on over to talk to the laid-off employee. Perhaps you can ask him or her how they are going to pay the mortgage until they're back at work. Maybe you can offer to bring over some food every once in a while. You might even offer to cover some medical bills ... being the concerned, liberal American that you are. Or ... I guess you could just tell them that their hard times serve them right since they were working in the evil private corporate world instead of doing what every true, concerned red-blooded American should be doing ... getting a government job.
Where's Al Sharpton? Considering that man's hair perhaps the last thing he would want to do is to boycott oil. If he runs out of grease he may have to look for options.
I'm sorry .. but considering the shape this country is in right now, I've just about had it up to here with idiots, fools and imbeciles like Jesse Jackson and the morons who think that picketing a BP gas station is going to do anything to solve this crisis. It is idiots like these and their inane, childish thought processes that have been, still are, and will continue to drive this great country to destruction.