Bracketron Installation Gen 2

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Johnny O

Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Lo and behold, Bracketron makes a dash bracket for Gen 2 Sport Tracs. So naturally I got one for my new Droid phone. They'll work for anything though. My XM will mount to it also.

The bracket wraps around the dash opening and bezel.

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Remove the two bolts inside the console armrest and also the chrome shifter bezel. Just pull up gently on it and the front of the console. Then gently pull out the bottom of the dash bezel, then the top.

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You don't have to remove it all the way, just enough to get to the radio bolts.

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Remove the right side radio bolts. They are the same 9/32 size as the console bolts. Then just put them back in through the bracket. Snap and bolt everything back together.

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Then the universal holder gets bolted to the Bracketron bracket.

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The bracket is is on sale right now for $19.95, the universal holder is $9.95, plus S&H it totalled $38.85. Intallation time because I'm partly lucky and partly know what I'm doing, about a half hour.
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At some point I'll get head unit with the XM built in. The Bracketron is more for the phone although the XM will fit on it. If I did that it would be pretty easy to hide the wires. I've been using a phone mount that fits in the cupholder but then you lose a cupholder and we're going to FL in a few weeks. Driving straight through so we'll need cupholders for coffee and Mountain Dew. :driving:

I figure the XM also works as camoflouge for my radar detector.