In Memoriam 1950-2022
After Nelson posted his Trac birthday, I got curious.
The build date on my '04 Trac is, 9/03. I took possesion of it, 7/04. It only had 12 miles on it.
Iam curious as to why it would be on the market almost 1yr.
Makes me wonder if it went through a storm and was cleaned and refubished.
One reason is because the unpainted cast alluminum parts under the hood have always had alot of that, white chalky surface corrosion on them.
Is there a way to track were it has been after it left the factory??
The build date on my '04 Trac is, 9/03. I took possesion of it, 7/04. It only had 12 miles on it.
Iam curious as to why it would be on the market almost 1yr.
Makes me wonder if it went through a storm and was cleaned and refubished.
One reason is because the unpainted cast alluminum parts under the hood have always had alot of that, white chalky surface corrosion on them.
Is there a way to track were it has been after it left the factory??