This is a tough spot, Both seller and buyer are out money.
The package was packaged properly, Obviously opened and re closed, The buyer did not want insurance.
The seller is selling used parts, not something that is replaceable.
I Know Wayne refunded $45 of the total $90 cost for the package with shipping.
MY QUESTIONS are this...
Does everyone feel that is enough money was refunded now hearing Wayne's side, Or do you think more should be refunded???
And second what would that amount be if yes??
It is easy for me to spend other peoples money
BUT I did have a similar issue with my hot sauce being broken ( JOSH L) , Even the grease caps on my EE brackets, I replaced them because this was a NEW product.
If something was used and now cant be replaced, I would not know what to do..
AGAIN it is easy for me to spend some one Else's money...
I think since these where used parts and now cant be replaced, Actually I don't know.. I think I am rambling now... I will stop...
Todd Z