Buyer beware

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To me, the seller/shipper has the responsibility to ensure it is packaged and labled correctly. No where on that box do I see a "fragile" lable. We so often get hit with "shipping and handling" and shippers just throw stuff in crappy boxes and then say "you should have requested insurance".

If they were worried about the delivery of a good product, the shipper would include the insurance as part of the S&H and make it mando.

If the parts were represented as new and are in fact used, shame. Hard for me to decipher from the OP. But, either way, customer is unhappy, and should be refunded the money.
I am on my PDA so I did not look at where the shipper lives vs. the buyer. But I see where Canada was mentioned...

If these went from the USA to Canada chances are high they were opened at the border for inspection. If so, they may not have been repacked propely.

Scott, I would also like to know about insurance. I know shipping to Canada from the US is expensive and some times the buyers request it to save a few bucks...

Cruz, The parts where sold as used... snss3 says that in the top paragraph...

Also I know Wayne doesn't sell this type of stuff every day.... Mainly hard parts...

Todd Z
It is defintely up to the buyer if he wants insurance or not. Whenever I sell on Ebay and ship it is clear that insurance is optional and the buyer is responsible if insurance is not purchased. About 90% of the time the buyer doesn't want insurance and I have never had a problem this way. Yes it is more difficult and expensive shipping out of the country. Who knows what is done to the package during transit and marking a box "fragile" means nothing to the shippers. It will still be thrown around regardless.

People are making assumptions on how this was done and how that was done. Until the other side of the story is expressed we should not pass judgement. Maybe customs opened or broke the package. Maybe it was packed better than it was received. Maybe the buyer refused insurance to save a few $$. Wayne has been a good sponsor and I have never heard or anyone with a problem before. No offense to snss3 but I want the story from someone who has been around and is a sponsor before I 100% believe someone who only has 17 posts on this site and 3 in this one alone.

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Working for Fedex you should know that if the items doesn't meet packing specs, the shipping company will deny the claim. The items needed to have a minumum of 2 inches of cushioning between the item and the side of the box. Air and newspaper, don't count as proper packing materials. -Heather

lol Heather, dear....I just drive the tractor trailer from point A to point B and back to point A, lol:lol:;):blink:

I don't know how much you use ebay but of you take a look around this is how everyone does it. People are on ebay to get a good deal and sometimes that means them not wanting to spend an additional $1.50 on insurance. I always use delivery confirmation so I know the package is delivered but I ship USPS priority mail and insurance is additional, not included like UPS and Fedex. Sometimes a difference of $1.50 in shippping price makes the difference between someone buying from you or another seller. Of course it is the buyers responsibilty and it is their money.

The insurance responsibility part is clearly listed in my auctions and emails and I don't see why forcing someone to pay for insurance is fair. I usually don't buy insurance on items I buy unless they are very fragile. Just like any insurance you have to see if it is worth it. I do care for my customers and pack my items well. I have NEVER had anything break or been lost in almost 750 transactions on Ebay. If you look at the ebay shipping page below they always talk about "purchasing" insurance. It is not the sellers responsibility to include it.

If you buy a car and don't buy the extended warranty you are rolling the dice and weighing whether you think you will need it.

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I here ya...

Some type of restitution was made, The agreement that was between the buyer and seller we will not know of how that dollar amount was reached.

THE other thing that i see is that the box was crushed long ways, not on the side...

IT is completely obvious to me that some where that box was smashed. Even if plastic parts are packed properly, that type of crush looks like it would have damaged it any way...

I know if this was j.c penny, Harbor freight, Harriet carter, or some other catalog companies I deal with, The buyer has to pay return shipping to the seller for a return or credit...

The situation sucks.

Todd Z
I think the verdict is still out since we haven't heard the other side.

But then again, the silence from that camp is becoming deafening. Maybe one of you buds should ping and get him involved before the jury returns.

For the sponsors on this site, I thank you very much for your continued support to give us a great forum to exchange ideas. With that being said, I would expect fair resolution when issues arise, even more so than I would anticipate from an eBay 'stranger', because we're not really strangers.
A good amount of constructive conversation happening around this post. Points made for both arguments stand on their merits, but for me it’s obvious as to witch ones Id support.

Insurance was never disscussed, being junior on E-bay and this board does not cloud my judgment

on insurance, we are all over insured so yes if it was not incl. and asked to pay a couple extra dollars

I have and would.

The box is bent in the middle just from standing alone, a piece of cardboard was cut and taped to the two ends on the inside.

Don, not me but I do go by there allot.

Simon treating customers as you describe will make you or any other company successful.

Thanks for all your input



Everyone else does it because it is ebay policy. By looking at your feedback it looks like you yourself were burned in the past and maybe that is why you are so adament in your opinion. Why did you not purchase insurance on you package?

I am 100% covered by stating the insurnace information in my posts. If it was necessary ebay would not let it be an option. Buying on ebay is not the same as buying from a store. As long as you follow the ebay policies you can use different options. I can see we are not going to agree and both have our own opinions and I see your point. Like the title of this post says "buyer beware" and the buyer should make sure they are protected. No one else is going to look out for you if you don't look out for yourself first.

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Hey shawn these are the tail lights if you are interested, as i said, I am looking for $175.00 for them.



[Broken External Image]:
Don thanks for the offer,winter time is time for bike parts so cash is limited to the Buell.

An update on other issue,this part was bought through this board not e-bay, however payment was made through pay pal.Still have not heard a word from Hypnotic Illusion?Maybe they are in a trance

and by that, it will probably only be a mirage of a refund.

Hey Shawn no problem, I have not posted them for sale on here at all, and if the next meet is in Lousiville, and I still have them I will be bringing them down there for sale.

Side note, As for packages that I receive at work, if they look damaged in anyway, crushed, dented, a hole poked in them, I either refuse to accept them, or I make note that the product case arrived damaged.

If the driver will not let me make note of the state of the case when it arrives on his delivery sheet I will not accept the case and they can ship it back to the shipper.

You can do that with Canada Post also package arrived damaged before opening.


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