When anyone says "Class Action Lawsuit" That should be translated to read "Help a bunch of lawyers make a lot of money, while you get nothing"
I have been invited to participate in 3 class action lawsuits over the course of my life, and ultimately never received a penny.
The last one was about 6 years ago was a class action lawsuit against State Farm Insurance in Texas. I completed the application/claim form and had proof that they received it via Certified mail, but they lost it. That got me back in after completing another claim to replace the one they lost. Then after filling out serveral more forms of the next 6 months and eventually having to go to Dallas to testify to the board of Judges who were overseeing the distribution of the $$$ Millions that State Farm was ordered to pay, I got nothing.
That whole process took over a year, I was qualified based on the specifications outlined in the lawsuit, I completed all their paperwork and testified in Dallas, and still got nothing.
No I will never go through that again. That's why I say that "Class Action Lawsuit" only benefits the lawyers not the parts who lost money or where injured.