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Here, folks. Pissing contests are more fun when there are statistics to make blind claims have some base. They are based on the rankings at that time, so some schools are missing. You'll have to go to the NCAA's site to look up individual graduation rates for those schools. I also think the list does not take into account early leavers, but only 4-6 year pass/fail (degree granted/denied) athletes.

As you were...
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JennD...I am with you on the obnoxious factor of Florida fans...almost as bad as the Alabama fans, though I think no one will ever surpass Bama fans.

Is it still true that the only reason they sell blue jean shorts is because the Florida fans buy them?
Adam, I'm not sure how pertinent that list is, without knowing the criteria used in granting diplomas. We all know that there are schools out there that will give you a diploma simply for being able to write your name. (Note--I am in no way inferring that Florida is one of those schools. I'm simply stating that without more in-depth information on the graduation standards and how rigorously they are enforced on athletes, a list like this is meaningless.)

True. One of the casualties of my edit was noting that aerospace engineering is not national parks maintenance. One option is to view each school's web site and take note of major's, and try to see at least the rigorousness of an athlete's curriculum. But, without being in the trenches--there as a tutor takes a test for an athlete--I doubt we can know with any certainty.
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