Cruise control issue

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Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
North Reading, MA
I have a 04 xlt 4x4 112k and have a issue with the cruise control not always working. I would be out on the highway going about 60 when I then turn the on button for the cruise control. I then attempt to set the cruise for that speed and I notice the light of the dash quickly comes on then goes off. I sometimes will have to do this several times to get it to stay on. Any help again would be greatly appreciated.

I assume you have had the recall done regarding the malfunctioning switch that connects to your brake booster. The one that has been linked to your truck catching on fire. If not I would start with that, then go from there with the most easily checked things such as loose fuses, wires(under the hood & in the cab) and once you do all that and still nothing I would look at the buttons that turn on/off the cc and that set cc.
Mine did that for a couple of months, then it started working again. Still works just fine.
could be part of the binding wires in the steering column, next time the CC acts up, move the tilt/steering column up or down and see if that corrects it. if yes, you need to take the column covers off and find some slack in the wires, or you have a bad contact on the CC button(s)
You're not the only one with the exact issue. I have the very same problem. I was hoping someone would know the solution.
I am having this very problem on my 2004 4x4 Adrenaline... bugging the heck outta me just today. Normally it will eventually set but today I took a long 1 hr drive and it would never stick and stay on. I'd love to see the answer to this so I can fix it.

Hey... I never got a letter either. I need to call Ford Dealership apparently.
Found answer... Thanks again to Love this site!