Custom Estate Green colored Ford emblem

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Todd Z

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Sep 21, 2003
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Long Island, NY
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2n Gen Owner
I Decided I did not like the blue emblems on my 03 any more, and since the overlay green is not an exact match, I decided to make my own...

It was not that hard, Just time and patience.... I did make a mistake on the first set ( Which are for sale) But the second ones are perfect...

I am considering on doing this as a service through Zabteck....

Whatcha think ???

Todd Z

Here are the good ones....

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HERE are the two I messed up a little, around the F the bottom is crinkled, It is worse on the front one, But they are not destroyed..

I am considering selling these if any one may want them..

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I've been wanting to pull them off and do them, but haven't had the time with all the work travel. If you do the '07's, I'll take two in oxford white (grille and tailgate)... :)
They look slick and would look nice on my ST. How much would you be selling them through Zabteck?
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LOL andy......

I don't know IF I want to make these from new ones, or just do the ones off the truck.....

Obviously doing the take offs will be cheaper....

I will work on some pricing...

ALSO I need a set of the 07 ones so i can see what i can do, IF not I will buy them and do some testing..

Todd Z

heh... If mine needed to be painted, don't you think I would've already? Seriously, how far apart are the two blues?

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And shaddup. I know it's dirty.

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And Ron... No danger. I have two to address that for me. ;)
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Brittney and Kelly, actually. ;)

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