Dear President Obama...Got this via email...LOL!

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user 64972

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Dec 23, 2006
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Got this via email...LOL!

Dear President Obama:

I am writing today with a somewhat unusual request. First and foremost, I will be asking that you return America to its August 20th, 1959 borders so that Hawaii is no longer a state and you are no longer a citizen.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

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Hater, blah, blah, conservative, blah, George Bush, blah, blah, Republican, blah, racist, George Bush, blah, blah, tea party, blah, blah, racist.

That about sums it up. :grin:
I know this goes against logical thinking, but here goes.

In 1898, Hawaii became a US territory. If we studied US history, and not the history on, we know what that means...

Come on folks. This was a joke...sheesh...the left has no sense of humor...

BTW, Im a centrist....
Natural Born Citizen is what it is all about. One could be born on the steps of the Washington Monument and not be a Natural Born Citizen, according to some. The question can only be decided by Supreme Court.


Although technically, returning to the 1959 borders would not cause him to no longer be a citizen. That would still result in Hawaii being a state from 1959 - 2011, and anyone born in the state during that time would therefore still be a natural-born citizen.
Caymen said:
In 1898, Hawaii became a US territory. If we studied US history, and not the history on, we know what that means...

Wow, where do I even start?

One by one, I guess:

1. I do study history, so the "we" you use above doesn't speak for me. Thanks.

2. I don't think publishes history, but then, I don't spend as much time on that site as those that are critical of the GOP do. I find it funny that people that disagree with the other side spend so much time listening to them, reviewing their propoganda, etc. Who gives a ****? If I wanted to listen to unintelligible hot air and an opinion that stinks, I would eat beans and fart.

3. I am a Republican and I don't for a minute subscribe to rantings like those that started this thread, even if meant to be funny. I don't support any of the birther crap that many so-called enlightened, intelligent people seem to paint all Republicans as supporting.

We need to take a meat cleaver and cut off the fringe zealots on both sides of our political spectrum. The good news is that cleaving would whack away (almost said OFF, but that's something else) about 80% of career politicians that aren't doing a damn thing for this country, anyways!

Can we grow up, folks?

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Item 1.

Everyone should read what the writers/signers of the U.S Constitution had to say about "Natural Born Citizen" and it's use in Section One, Article Two of the Constitution.

Item 2.

The President of the United States of America is Obama. If he is re-elected again he will be President for another 4 years. The issue of "natural born citizen" will never get before the court and effect the election.

Item 3.

The email is not real. It is made up and is not factual. It has a LOL at the end. If you didn't laugh it's OK. If you laughed it's OK with some.


I took it as a harmless joke. Got a chuckle out of the overarching theme, but I didn't for a second consider it a political statement worth getting into a heated debate over.
It would have been funnier had it been more accurate IMO.

Does anyone else find it strange that whole islands of Hawaii are owned by private citizens? I suppose it makes sense--TR Island was privately owned for decades--but it's kinda surreal to me. That'd be like someone owning a whole county of my state.
Whole islands in the Caribbean are privately owned.

Whole islands in Lake Minnetonka here in the Twin Cities are privately owned.

So I guess I'm used to it. But if the island is large enough--I can see how it sounds a tad strange.

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