Deer whistles

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Here's what happens when a BMW hits a deer going 140 mph on the Autobahn:

[Broken External Image]:
Vetern member S'Terriffic who owns a body shop, claims he has seen a lower instance of deer collisions with people with deer whistles than those that do not.

Personally, I do not run them.

Take if for what it is worth.

I've been using deer whistles for 5 years and I think they do work. I used to travel a lot, especially back county roads and rural highways. Most of the time what I've experienced is when the deer is on the side of the road and in full stride, they freeze. This is from personal experience. I have not hit one (knock on wood) yet but I think placement is all the difference.

I'll second the body shop notion. My friend hit one, then put on a deer whistle, has not hit one since. Is it luck, it could. But the deer population is SE Michigan is booming. I have deer in my backyard almost every day in the fall and winter. Usually herds for 5-6. They nest in my moms back yard. Sometimes seeing the males fighting which is cool to watch.
TomT, that's a pretty expensive Bar-B-Q Grill there.:D

Weither or not they work is just a matter of who you ask. I think the reason deer get hit is because they get scared by a noise and like the dumb animals they are, they just take off. Doesn't matter what direction, they just go. Being a hunter, I've spooked a few in my day walking through the woods. They will just take off at the slightest noise. If that route is across a road with a car coming or not. So what's to say the whistles don't make them run and when they do, it's right in front of the car with said whistles? :blink:
If horns dont work as been posted. Why when I honk at people on the highway, do they look in their mirror, as if they heard me?
Thanks for all the techincal debate, great reading! I think I am going to get them anyway, they're only like $5. If $5 can possibly save a potenial deer strike then it's worth it. I'll take note as to what the deer do when I drive by and repost...
Let's take the example of three cars going 60 mph (88 ft/sec), one behind the other, Let's make the center car honk its horn. Sound radiates radially from the center car at ~1000 ft/sec. Although the relative speed of the cars to each other is 0 mpg. the sound wave approaches the rear car at a relative rate of 1088 mph (1000+ 88 mph), and the front car at 9912 mph (1000 - 88 mph). The front car would perceive a lower tone than the rear. Weather a deer can hear the frequency generated at the volume generated, I have no idea. If he could I don't know what his action would be. I do know that the guy in the front will give you the "bird" if you keep honking the horn. Proof that he can hear it.:D:p
Obviously you guys haven't heard the old saying "a deer in the headlights". If they are going to freeze when they see your headlights, what makes you think they won't do the same when and if they hear the deer whistle? :rolleyes:
I bought deer whistles for a car I had about 15 years ago or so... unless I got the "old" version of the whistles they don't work because I ended up hitting a deer about a month after I put them on the car.. Just my (non-technical) 2 cents worth......:D
The deer may not run away with the use of deer whistles but the whistles do get the deer attention ..makes them look up so you can spot them better if they in brush... and most have run away or stood still when I happend on them

I feel they do work, as long as they are installed correctly. knock on wood..I am in the "Sportsmans Paradise" now...I hope I never end up hitting a deer.. as that is VERY common around these parts! (So I am told)

the fact is:

Deer are going to jump or run no matter where they are if they want the other side of the road. xxxxx keeping my fingers crossed it will not be in front of my Trac, as I don't want it banged up any more...going to be getting it fixed very soon! :)

Apparently white tail deers can't hear above ~ 18 Khz. There goes the ultrasonic claim. I guess a loose front grill would alert them as well as the whistles.:rolleyes:
They respond to screeching brakes. Last night coming home from work about 9:30, I took the back roads home through an industrial park. Just before entering the park 2 deer ran out on the road and stopped. Of course I was doing 70 in a 30, so I only had a split second to react. Slammed the brakes, abs kicked in, hit the horn, and missed them by 2-3 seconds. Good to know my brakes work.
After the first two I hit, I tried the whistles. After hitting three with them on, I decided that was a waste of money. :D

I've collected 11 deer, 4 birds, 2 dogs, a turtle, a vulture, and a horse. I've changed deodorant and cologne brands numerous times over the years, but I still keep attracting them... :lol: