Did you hear about what happened in Laredo?

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Mark K 2

Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2002
Reaction score
Baldwin, WI
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I found out about this from a friend who received it on the Conservative Email Forwarding Network.

The Arizona crime wave? I read about it on Facebook.
Sounds no different then Congressman John Lewis' claim he was called the n word and spat on....it happens on both sides....noone disputes a rancher was killed in Arizona....
Funny I only see this story on Left Wing websites?

I think it is an attempt by the left to make it look like it came from the Tea Party to try to

further discredit them, pretty tricky, a bogus story by the left, planted in the right and then "discovered" by the left to blame the Tea Party....WOW, you guys are really afraid of the Tea Party, Can't deal with Patriots? Sad, this is what America on the Left has become....

I searched "los zetas laredo ranches" in Google and found a bunch of conservative site hits.

Afraid of Tea Partiers? Hardly. Most people in the country see them as a group of crazies who are wasting their time. I know a guy who actually went to Beck's 9/12 thingy in Washington. He blames everything on government and Obama. He's quite humorous...and obsessed. He's also awaiting the next Cuban Revolution so he can claim land there previously owned his grandfather.
Most people in the country see them as a group of crazies who are wasting their time.

The Tea Party movement was co-founded by Jenny Beth Martin.

I happen to know her, she was a member of the Cherokee County Republican

Party a while back before she started this movement.

You obviously are overstating what the country believes....The Liberals are very much afraid

of the growing Tea Party movement also many Republicans are afraid of them as well.

If they go along with the status quo of bigger govt, higher debt, they too will be out of a job.

Do not underestimate the power of a grass roots movement. The Tea Party already has influenced elections in many of the races across the country.

You have been watching way too much MSNBC and reading Newsweek!!!

Get in the mainsream, the fringe has got you all goofed up!:smack:
Afraid of Tea Partiers? Hardly. Most people in the country see them as a group of crazies who are wasting their time. I know a guy who actually went to Beck's 9/12 thingy in Washington. He blames everything on government and Obama. He's quite humorous...and obsessed. He's also awaiting the next Cuban Revolution so he can claim land there previously owned his grandfather.

Spoken like a true scared liberal. If you want more government, move somewhere else.
Did I say I want more government? I'll admit that I'm not paranoid or afraid of my government. I don't think I could stay sane going to bed every night thinking that my government is my enemy.

Besides, ask Bud. I'm not a liberal. I'm a moderate.
Besides, ask Bud. I'm not a liberal. I'm a moderate.

Yes, Mark is a "moderate" that Loves the Left and Hates the Right....

He also suffers from BDS and loves what Obama/Pelosi/Reid are doing to this country...

He is a moderate...What does this mean anymore?!?
This is all called "Paranoia Politics".

Both sides are evil. Democrats and Republicans are both destructive to this country. Those on the far right are as dangerous as those on the far left.

Mark, if you like what the current administration and the Democratic Congress is doing, you want more government.

Jesus, man. I didn't say I like what the Obama administration or Congress is doing. But, I can tolerate them until things change. Bitching about them isn't going to change anything but my blood pressure in a bad way.
Of course you can trust the government, It worked for the Indians, didn't it?

You people who think there is nothing wrong with the government of this country had better get your heads out of the sand soon.
Did I say I want more government? I'll admit that I'm not paranoid or afraid of my government. I don't think I could stay sane going to bed every night thinking that my government is my enemy.

Didn't have to say it....

Jesus, man. I didn't say I like what the Obama administration or Congress is doing. But, I can tolerate them until things change. Bitching about them isn't going to change anything but my blood pressure in a bad way.

I think this is the same sentiment the Germans had about Hitler, watching Jews get hauled away to the train station, claiming not to know what was going on....

First you bitch about Bush, then you root for Hope and Change, now you want change again?!?

There is no pleasing liberals, oh i meant moderates...:bwahaha:
You say you got a real solution? Well, you know, we'd all love to see the plan.

1. Term Limits on all Federal offices

2. Enact the Fair Tax and repeal of the 16th amendment

3. Review 14th Amendment to excluded Anchor Babies

4. Secure the borders

5. Tort Reform Loser pays all lawsuits

6. Balanced Budget amendment

7. Make Bush Tax cuts permanent with any tax hikes approved only by Super Majority

8. Get the United States out of the UN

9. National Election of Supreme Court Judges, so as not to intermingle with the Executive Branch via Appointments, 10 year term limit on All Judges including Supreme Court.

10. Drill oil anywhere we have it, till a better energy source is created.

11. Free Ice Cream for everyone...:banana:

Recession=When your neighbor loses his job...

Depression=When you lose your job...

Recovery=When Obama loses his job...

Love that one:bwahaha:
You say you got a real solution? Well, you know, we'd all love to see the plan.

Now that's a real original thought...HHHHmmm REVOLUTION?:banana:

The Chicago Machine has a solution and they're trying to implement it right now. The Germans loved Hitler at first because of all the sweeping changes he made but then they found out what he was really about....:banana:
You guys are silly. You're so far off from figuring out my real political views that it's unimaginable.