Bud Williams
Well-Known Member
From Mark and Frank....:smack::bwahaha:
1. Term Limits on all Federal offices
2. Enact the Fair Tax and repeal of the 16th amendment
3. Review 14th Amendment to excluded Anchor Babies
4. Secure the borders
5. Tort Reform Loser pays all lawsuits
6. Balanced Budget amendment
7. Make Bush Tax cuts permanent with any tax hikes approved only by Super Majority
8. Get the United States out of the UN
9. National Election of Supreme Court Judges, so as not to intermingle with the Executive Branch via Appointments, 10 year term limit on All Judges including Supreme Court.
10. Drill oil anywhere we have it, till a better energy source is created.
Then there's the chemical dispersant. They say it's no more toxic than the oil. You dumb bunnies... that doesn't mean it's safe.
I agree with 2.5 items. Another 2.5 make sense. The rest are wingnut material.
Be more specific.