Johnny, a couple years ago, when the tranny went on our 13 year old Whirlpool washing machine, we took the plunge on a Kenmore front loader from the local Sears outlet store (it had a ding in the side panel). Not only does it use less water, but it cleans much better, with less detergent, and the dryer has to work a lot less because the high speed spin of the washer gets so much water out, the cloths aren't nearly as wet going into the dryer. Outstanding product. Everybody I talked to who has a front loader has relayed a similar story.
Update on the dishwasher: Went out yesterday planning to get a positively reviewed Kenmore mid-range model. The only negative reviews for it were about door handle issues. Started at the Sears outlet store. They had three, all with the broken or balky door handles. Went to the local, regular Sears store. They had nothing in stock, except an Amana in the wrong finish color. Couldn't get anything until next week.
Went next door to Frye's, which had several acceptable models from LG, Amana, and GE. The LG's felt most solidly constructed of the three, and Jeanne liked the features best. Made in Korea, which was ok with me, because I've had some very good service from recent Korean products, and my expensive, assembled-in-America-from-European-and-American-components dishwasher was now sitting in my garage. The Frye folks had trouble figuring out which models were in stock, so we told them we were going to lunch, call us on the cell when you have it figured out.
They call and say they have one of the models we liked. We finish up our Waffle House waffles, decide to walk next door to the Home Depot before going back to Frye's, just to see if there is anything we like better. They have the same LGs and GEs that Frye's has, but slightly more expensive than Fryes. The sales associate approaches us, wants to sell us one, we say no thanks, Frye's has this model we want for less. She says we'll match the price and then take 10% off. Sold. They get it loaded into my ST politely and efficiently. Best Home Depot service experience I've had in years. Literally.
Got it home and installed, ran it, worked quietly. We'll see.
Having talked to a number of people, having read a ton of info on this topic in the last 36 hours, the bottom line, I believe, is they just don't make 'em like they used to. Nobody (except maybe those of us who had one refridgerator our entire lives) expects appliances to last 20 years anymore.