DNC Chairwoman Doesn't Drive American

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Mahomet, IL
DNC chairwoman doesn't drive American

By Michael O'Brien - 05/26/11 04:40 PM ET

The chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) appears to drive a foreign car, despite criticizing Republican presidential candidates for supposedly favoring foreign auto manufacturers.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), the chairwoman of the DNC, ripped into Republican presidential contenders who opposed President Obama's 2009 bailouts for General Motors and Chrysler.

* "If it were up to the candidates for president on the Republican side, we would be driving foreign cars; they would have let the auto industry in America go down the tubes," she said at a breakfast for reporters organized by The Christian Science Monitor.

** But according to Florida motor vehicle records, the Wasserman Schultz household owns a 2010 Infiniti FX35, a Japanese car whose parent company is Nissan, another Japanese company. The car appears to be hers, since its license plate includes her initials.

The DNC and Republican presidential hopefuls have locked horns this week over the 2009 bailouts, especially as President Obama has looked to build some political report by taking credit for Chrysler's rebound, to the extent that the automaker was able to pay back the remainder of its loans from the federal government.

*** "They can try to distract from the issue if they want," said DNC spokesman Hari Sevugan. "But if Republican opposition researchers are snooping around garages, they should know that if Republicans who said that we should let the U.S. auto industry go bankrupt had their way, they wouldnt find a single American made car anywhere."

He added: "Besides, Chair Wasserman Schultz voted in Congress to save the American automobile industry, Republicans would have let it go down the tubes."

<A HREF="http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/163567-dnc-chairwoman-doesnt-drive-american">DNC chairwoman doesn't drive American</A>

* Really? What about Ford, who took no bailout $$$ from the gov't? Typical hypocrisy and demagoguery.:throwup:

** So the chairwoman of the Democrat Party, the supposed party of the "little guy", the middle class, the party which takes in millions of $$$ from the UAW and many other unions, drives a car not only sold by a Japanese manufacturer, but one that isn't even built by Americans, be they UAW or open shop? :banghead:(The Infinity FX35 is built in Japan)

*** Yet another example of hypocrisy, demagoguery, and pure horse squeeze. Gov't didn't save the entire US auto industry. See the aforementioned Ford Motor Company. Gov't merely bailed out GM & Chrysler as a payback to the UAW for enormous campaign donations.

You'd think that if someone rose to such a position of prominence as this woman, she'd think a little more before opening her mouth, knowing that saying something like this would come back to bite her in the @$$. Guess it's just another example of a person in power getting the "Do as I say, not as I do" attitude that happens to many, no matter what letter comes after their name, be it a (D), (R), or whatever.:banghead:
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Really? What about Ford, who took no bailout $$$ from the gov't?

A buddy of mine posted the other day on Facebook "Gotta hand it to Chrysler for paying back the $7.4 billion that was "loaned" to them from the govt."

I commented back, how about hand it to Ford for not taking any bailout money and he got defensive about it.

I think nearly all politicians are hypocrites and liars. Just say what the party wants, and you can do what you want.

President Obama has looked to build some political report by taking credit for Chrysler's rebound, to the extent that the automaker was able to pay back the remainder of its loans from the federal government.

Say, what was the interest rate on those "loans"?

I think nearly all politicians are hypocrites and liars. Just say what the party wants, and you can do what you want.


I also concur. The idea of America was that we weren't supposed to have politicians, the private citizens who made the sacrifice to represent the voices of their fellow citizens were supposed to be like the citizens that they represent. Not an elite & aloof class of patricians who hold themselves above their "fellow" citizens, otherwise known as a politician.

The very idea of campaigning and scheming to continue one's reign in office is un-American. I know this is beating a dead horse, but where did we go astray?

Even my local county council, a level of government that has historically been more about representing their fellow county citizens (and illegals, this is a haven state, but I digress) in years past has now succumbed to petty politics and partisanship. Recently a representative on the council lamented that a county high school will not be renovated in the near future. He is not upset because the school is in desperate need of immediate renovation (it is), instead he is upset that the renovation will not occur during his current time in office, so he will not be able to take credit for this. He openly said this in interviews too, in no uncertain terms. :banghead::banghead:
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The idea of America was that we weren't supposed to have politicians, the private citizens who made the sacrifice to represent the voices of their fellow citizens were supposed to be like the citizens that they represent. Not an elite & aloof class of patricians who hold themselves above their "fellow" citizens

I think that happened when we changed from the original concept of a Republic to a Democracy, and we ended up with neither!

I think that happened when we changed from the original concept of a Republic to a Democracy, and we ended up with neither!

RL,,I think thats the best analogy, Ive heard yet...
Andy, does your buddy realize that Chrysler used a government backed loan to pay back the government??? So in effect, they still owe us.

What, they used a loan to pay a loan? Can I do that with my credit cards?

Yes, if you can dupe the credit card companies into thinking that countering a debt with a debt actually works, and gives them their money back. You'll need another loan, one to get the Obama Administration's PR department to give your actions a proper spin so that the credit companies will accept it without question.

What I want to know is if I run a failing business, which fails due to my stupidity, can I get the US government to assist me in stealing money to keep my business afloat?

Chrysler "paid" back money that they stole. Doesn't change the fact that they stole it. I predict they'll need to pilfer more money in the future, as the quality of their cars is still as crappy as it was before they went under.

People play loans with loans all the time. Ever hear of a balance transfer for credit cards? We paid my wife's student loans by taking out a home equity loan. Better interest rates are usually the reason for paying a loan with a loan.

"If it were up to the candidates for president on the Republican side, we would be driving foreign cars; they would have let the auto industry in America go down the tubes," she said at a breakfast for reporters organized by The Christian Science Monitor.

She's my representative. Didn't vote for her, don't like her, but I'm stuck with her.
DNC chairwomen speaking against conservatives in front of the Christian Science Monitor press. Sadly, that's about as much of a "fish out of water" as you can get.

And, this example shows why it is ludicrous and asnine to look at any single issue one-dimensionally.

Yes, many conservatives were against the Detroit bailouts. That's the whole point of being conservative - smaller government, more free market capitalism.

Likewise, I can't think of anyone in America, politician or otherwise that wanted to "let" the American auto industry go down the tubes. However, even after the bailouts the big three of the American auto industry was reduced to the "big one." GM is now largely special-interest and government owned, and Chrysler is now as it was, largely a foreign company and brand. Only Ford was left as the true, American automaker, and that happened independent of the bailout.

It seems too many politiicians on both sides are too quick to criticize about what the other side is doing wrong, or would be poised to do wrong, but no one seems to have any real, good answers to solving our problems.

For me, I think many of our problems are caused by and made bigger by our government.

Less government and more money in my pocket, please. That's all I want. That's the problem I want...the problem of figuring out what to do with more of my money.

If more citizens had that problem, I suspect more of our country's problems would go away!


It was tongue in cheek. :grin: (as noted by the "tongue in cheeky guy")

I know you can pay loans with loans but thanks for being the "off topic board teacher" again.


Not being a teacher, just answering a question. The emoticon you gave wasn't interpreted by me as "tongue in cheek". My bad, I guess. Sarcasm simply doesn't come through on electronic communications well, even with cryptic emoticons.

Again, sorry.

BTW, I took your last comment ("thanks for being...") as a little impolite. If not intended that way, then so be it.



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