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The real question you should be asking, instead of being offended at profits: Are you ready to start screaming for a more fuel-efficient vehicles?

No one who owns a Sport Trac has a right to scream for more fuel efficient vehicles. :lol:

Then too, that would be eminently possible but for environmental regulations essentially outlawing small fuel efficient diesels. Another year and they're gone. Don't ya love it when different elements of the greenie agenda bump into each other?

Drill for it and get it wherever it is found. Alaska, pitcher's mound at PNC Park, my backyard, wherever.
I agree with you BillV, and I agree that I could have done other things besides "grab socks", but most of them would be just another form of "grabbing socks", IMHO.

BillV - Boortz was merely trying to redirect the blame people were placing on oil companies to a more accurate place. Good points - question though, what livability are the environmentalists protecting when they fight drilling in ANWR? A near zero impact on wildlife, absolutely no negative impact on humans and an area that was set aside by Congress for drilling when ANWR was created and enough oil to fuel Massachusetts for 16 years. Or in the Gulf where I am still waiting for the massive oil and gas leaks caused by that CAT 5 that blew through there a few months ago (not to mention the numerous other storms this year and last). How about when they fight the building of a refinery in Louisiana or Mississippi which would help lower prices and provide high paying jobs to economically depressed areas? Or when they stop TVA from building hydroelectric generatos becasue of the snail darter? I can go on and on.

Environmentalists were essential to initiating government regulation of the environment, but that is no longer needed. Now the organizations have been hijacked for fighting capitalism (in general) and American business (in particular) with such disasterous policies as that boondoggle called Kyoto. All of this while we are learning that the countries who support their ideology are the worst polluters in the world (China, former Soviet, India, others)

Environmental leaders are anti-capitalist. I want to stress that I do not think this of the normal people who send their donations to the Sierra Club. I am talking about the hard core extremists who torch car dealerships in California and condos in Atlanta. I am talking about the disaffected Marxist/Leninists who were run out of politics by the failure of Socailism in the 80's and found a home in the leadership of the environmental movement. Again, NOT the rank and file who donate a few bucks each year for clean air, water and animal protection.

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