Where were the "parents" in all this???
Everybody's quick to sue and blame the companies (which they have the right to do) but why not blame the parents.
I know when I was growing up when I was told not to do something I didn't do it or I got my ass beaten and I'm not talking about a little spanking either. I've never smoked or done drugs and everyone in my family smoked. I never drank until I was 18 years old and out of my parents house and even then I didn't drink but a couple times a year.
There's no accountablilty for "parents" or kids for that matter now-a-days. "Parents" jsut lets kids do what they want just so the kids won't hate them, guess what, it's not working. They just end up having ZERO respect for you or any authority figure for that matter. Go anywhere in public, look around and try and tell me I'm wrong. Everyone's too Politically Correct now.