fender flares??

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Greg Donoho

Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
San Marcos, TX
I am looking to make my 02 Trac look a little more beefy for my soon to be 16 year old. It has 256300 miles on it and still is a great running everyday truck. I want to add fender flares but all I can locate is the flexy rubber flares. I wanted to know if you guys AND gals know where to buy the rugged bolt on flares. Or do I need to buy the ones that fit another truck??
not to put you down or anything but good luck trying to find a set. Bushwacker flares are not made anymore and nowhere to be found. it has been the #1 item on my list since i had my ST and i only ever saw one set at an online auction that were sold for $550 back in November. Since then i haven't found even a trace of them. If you by chance have any luck and maybe find 2 sets, let me know.:grin:
There's a guy over on www.explorerforum.com in the ST section that found a vendor with overstock of Buchwacker Pocket flares. Not sure where the thread is but if you go there put in bushwacker pocket flares in the search and it'll pop up.

Thanks to Kyle..(I don't feel put down at all) I will keep looking and yep if I find two sets I will let ya know.

Jerry cool maybe its still there I will give it a try!

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