Ford Promo Items from Dallas Meet

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Todd Cloutier

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2001
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Here are some of the promotional itemd Ford (Brian) brought to the Dallas meet:

Explorer water bottles:

[Broken External Image]:

The Sport Trac powerbar:

[Broken External Image]:

[Broken External Image]:

The contents of the powerbar package is a standup Sport Trac cutout:

[Broken External Image]:

[Broken External Image]:
On that last photo, I had to read that first sentence four times, before it made any sense. I read, " Now with extra Chevy torque". :lol:
On that last photo, I had to read that first sentence four times, before it made any sense. I read, " Now with extra Chevy torque".

Ha Ha! Me too! I was like..WTH! Cool items. Ebay in the future?
Talk about marketing.

It's like McDonald's Big N'tasty which looks like "Big Nasty".

This Chewy thing it pretty bad for marketing... lol
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I did read it wrong myself.

It is like a Freudian slip. You have to wonder if Ford did some research on this or what?????