fuel gauge messed up.

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Craig Martin 2

Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
Ok so I start my st this morning to go to work. The fuel gauge is normally down at the empty mark then goes to the level the gas is at.... Well today it was at the full mark with the truck off. When I started the truck the neddle pegged all the way to the right. And stayed there. I was running late for work so I just drove to work. I figured it was just a glitch and it would be fine after work....but no it's still the same. Anyone have an issue like this? It was out of the blue and I've done nothing different when fueling up. I talked to my dad and he thinks it may be a bad ground but he's clueless other then that lol. The cluster is only four years old. Had it replaced back when I had the electrical issues.
The fuel level sensor is part of the fuel pump assembly. If that's faulty you're looking at dropping the fuel tank. Think most here would just go ahead and replace the whole assembly - fuel pump and all. Found good video on YouTube.
The key is in the "If that's faulty ..." part. Try to diagnose the problem before replacing parts.

Is this a FlexFuel?

You should be so lucky:

"My mechanic told me to fill the tank, violently rock the van passenger to drivers side for about 10 sec and that would dislodge the float stuck near the top of the tank. I grabbed the roof rack rocked it and voila, it worked."

Two points in the following: the pump can be replaced without removing the tank, but an access hole must be cut in the floor (not sure I'd do this) and the problem may be the sending unit resistor (if I had the assembly out, I would probably replace it because, with my luck, the pump would fail the next week).

<a href="http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=322730">Serious Explorations: How I solved the stuck fuel gauge on my 05 Explorer</a>

<a href="http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=361186">Serious Explorations: fuel gauge stuck at full plus electrical issues</a>
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I'm not sure if its the flex fuel. I don't have any badging on it so I have no idea. I'm not gonna cut up the floors, worst case scenario I'll go by the kms. I normally fill up at 350 kms or so.

I'm gonna give the violent back and forth thing a try and see what happens.

I've honestly had enough of this crap. I have 220000kms on the truck now and they have been hard kms. I think its time to put her to pasture! Time for a newer younger Philly.

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