Perhaps Frank buys carbon offset credits?
I am thinking he does... LOL
I agree with what you say. I don't conserve energy because I am trying to save the planet and I want to have the "I am better than you" attitude, I do it simply because it makes financial sense.
If the day comes that I need a 3/4 or 1 ton truck to drive, I will buy one. If I don't need it, I will not buy one.
It is like recycling pop cans. It is just as easy to throw them out, but if you throw the cans into a trash can, throw metal cans into a different can, scrap yards give you money for it. Since I drive past a scrap yard going to and from work, I can take 5 minutes there and walk away with a few bucks I didn't have before. Plus I save money from my trash collection company since I only pay for one can picked up a week instead of the unlimited plan.
I do refuse to allow some fear mongering dictate how I live my life.