Got my VIN...

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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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Got a call from the dealer today. Salesman says my Ltd 4x4 V8 ST was issued a VIN and delivery date is the week of Dec 18th. Yeehaw!!! :cool:
Merry Christmas!! Mine was about 2 weeks later arriving than they told me. Hopefully yours will be on time. At least your build date isn't too close to Xmas (the builders won't be thinking about other things....)
Picked up mine 3 weeks ago. It took 8 weeks from order date.

I know you will love it. I can't believe the smooth ride and how quiet it is!!

It is worth the wait.

good luck
OK blksn8k the race is on. Got a call from my dealer and my build date is also 12/18/06. Now we can see who drives the new ST home first.

Hopefully I will get mine before you guys since 12/18 is the scheduled DELIVERY DATE, not the build date. BTW, how do I track the progress?
Oh my God, this was hilarious!!!

I just tried calling the 1-800 order confirmation line to check on the status of my ST. Unfortunately, since it is after hours I had to "try" to use the voice activated system. You should have heard the numbers that silly thing was spitting out when it tried to repeat my VIN. If it wasn't so funny and so far wrong from what I tried to tell it I might actually be pissed. If you want a good luagh you need to call this number: 1-800-962-3746. :blink::wacko:
Let's make it a 3 way race, as I got the estimated delivery date for my Mustang, and it's Dec. 18th also! Mine will be in the dealer's shop for several days after delivery to them, as they've got headers, a shifter, and struts, springs, and swaybars to replace. Then it's off to the stereo shop for a system...
Just got the ETA for my Sport Trac 1-8-2007. :( Hope they all have a great Christmas in Louisville.:D I think it will be hard for me to win this one. :blink::blink::blink:

Got some bad news yesterday. My delivery date got pushed back to 1/15/07. Not only does it look like I will lose the race but I also stand to lose at least $1250. I had two incentives from My Ford and the Vincent system that were in addition to the standard $1500. All that stuff ($2750 total) expires 1/2/07. Needless to say, I am not a happy camper. I told my salesman that I was thinking of canceling my order. He said he would discuss the situation with the dealership to see what they can do but I suspect I might as well be pi$$ing in the wind.

I have started to look for a Trac in other dealers inventories but so far I'm not finding much that I would be happy with. Wrong options, wrong colors, Job 1, etc. I tried to get my dealer to locate something before I placed my order and they didn't seem to want to try very hard. Probably had something to do with X-Plan pricing.

If I don't find a way to make the numbers I was counting on I will probably cancel my order and just keep the Ranger. Nothing wrong with it anyway except that it couldn't tow a fart. It's not that I can't afford a new truck either way but now it's the principle of the thing. They dangle all these carrots in front of your face and then snatch them away. Not cool. :angry:
I think that Ford will still have a decent list of incentives seeing that they have not posted very good sales numbers, and that after christmas big ticket items are slow movers. For this reason they may have better rebates on 1-3-2007. Just my opinion.
Ugh, not cool. Thought I was reading about my own experience there for a minute. I really liked the '07 ST, it is what I wanted. However, after a point of waiting and inconsistent stories there is a point where getting one is no longer appealing. Eventually you feel like accepting the order allows them to screw you around AND they get the sale. Not exactly a customer focus. They are adding down weeks at the plant due to low sales and after 9 weeks they still had not even generated a VIN for my order. That doesn't make sense. If someone can explain this to me I'm all ears. How can a customer, with $ in hand ready to buy, not be the first priority (or at least very high) in the ordering system? It's a guaranteed sale, how can they put that off? If they were selling like mad and really needed to replenish dealers I might understand a wait, but that is not the case at the moment with the ST. I can't understand why you if you put in an order for an ST you can't count on driving it away in 4-6 weeks. Building and selling cars is what they do...isn't it?
Just got message from my dealer. My vehicle will be delivered the week of Jan 15. Anyone else hear anything? It still seems to be anyone's race.
Dealer and order hotline both telling me delivery 1/15/07. Same build date of 12/18/06 as everyone else.

1/15 is prolly just tentative, doesn't take railcars the same amount of time to get to FL as CA.

Latest incentives say they expire 1/2/07 though, dissapointing. Any one heard about new incentives yet?

The Mustang didn't show up on the 18th... So on the 26th, I had the dealer check to see where it was at. It's still sitting in the parking lot of the Flat Rock, Michigan plant, waiting to be loaded onto a railcar. Said it should be loaded by the 1st, so I'm looking at the 15th of January before I see it...
I sure hope Ford understands that this is the sort of thing they need to focus on. It's called customer satisfaction, not customer disappointment. This has to be part of Business 101. Mr Mulally are you paying attention? :rolleyes:
A liitle good news. The incentives in my area are still at $1500 cash back through 4/2/07. As a matter of fact, the finance rates are down again as well. 0.9% for 36 months, etc. Looks like it would be better for me to take the cash back so long as I can get a rate below 6% for 36 months. :cool:
I had a good experience with my order...I guess it boils down to who you are ordering through and how hard they are willing to work to get your ST to you.