To call me far right is to thoroughly misunderstand my politics.:bwahaha:
And I welcome face to face political discussion. In fact, it's right in my wheelhouse and I am very experienced in it as a political scientist. Your arguments are more in line with young liberals in political science than the more mature (realistic) ideologies of those in the upper classes and graduate classes. Or more appropriately, your political philosophy more resembles art or philosophy majors (political philosophy excepted). Taking economics classes and understanding economies helps, too.
I am, in fact, in favor of big government and understand economies of scale. The mission needs to be clear and concise, though, and it no longer is. The Constitution is an excellent source.
I am opposed to nanny government, though, and legislation for the sake of legislation and legislation to pick winners and losers.
I am incredibly socially liberal (it's actually conservatism but the GOP has hijacked the term to mean religious conservatism). Simply mind your own business.
I am very economically conservative. Saving and investing works better than redistribution.
I am in favor of balanced budgets.
I am in favor of no child going hungry and nobody ever being denied the best healthcare.
I hate war and preemptive action but appreciate true military might as a deterrence.
I believe the US is exceptional and I believe our exceptionalism has made the entire world better but only by example not force. Nation building has failed in every single instance and I can provide a paper I wrote on this very subject.
I'd gladly pay 50% of my income to taxes if I knew that nobody ever went to bed hungry or we cured cancer, etc. Unfortunately, all I see my taxes resulting in is declining infrastructure, generational poverty brought on by government dependence, starving children, drug dependent (economically and physically) urban centers, and expensive wars we have no business waging. We can send men to the moon in the 1960s and we can spy on every person in the world but we can't balance a budget or cure cancer?
Please don't pretend to know my politics, Frank. It's much deeper than any one of the issues above and is complex - not ideological as yours.
Which of the political philosophers are your favorite, or do you just wing it from the media?
Please read Rand Paul's voting record, not MSNBCs or even Fox's version of who he is. Both sides are very afraid of him and it's because he does not follow party lines.
And people should take care of the environment because we have to live here and a healthy environment and animals are preferable to the alternative...not because we are arrogant enough and scared enough to believe we could destroy the Earth.