Half-Hour Wait at Chic-fil-A Today

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Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2010
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, GA
People are parking across the street at the mall and walking to the Chic-fil-A to Eat Mor Chikin in my town.
Not me. I will go again, but not today...not when my patronage can be viewed as support for their owner's bigotry.

There was a time when people used religion and the Bible to explain and rationalize why women were not equal. The same was true for blacks. Now, there are those that still do the same for gays.

Just as we now have a different understanding (interpretation) of the Bible as it relates to women and blacks, one day soon will be the case for homosexuals.

Very soon our kids and grandkids will look at many of us the way we used to look at our grandparents and great grandparents that still used the N-word, and talked about upity colored folks, or about women that needed to remember their place.

Times change folks.

'sorry that you feel that way TJR but praise God this is America and you are allowed. God bless you.


Yep, God Bless America in 2012...just not the gays.

In 1950 he blessed America, just not blacks.

In 1920, he blessed America, just not American women.

Maybe by 2020 God will Bless all Americans!

Yep, that's the way I feel! Heck, it's not a feeling though, it was what we were all (well, many Americans) were taught over time. But, we learned different. Hopefully God can too!

Please don't feel sorry for how I feel. Take that energy and emotion and safe it for the one day, soon, where you have to explain to a close family member who is gay why you don't feel they deserve the same rights you enjoy.

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I have a feeling all these issues will get settled after the next election. BTW, my Chick-Fil-A was great today...
Gonna try to sum up my beliefs on this entire issue in a couple sentences. It really is that simple I believe.

-The government cannot deny the same civil rights to any group of people that are granted to any other (save felons who choose to give them up). Current laws are unconstitutional.

-The government cannot choose which businesses operate within their jurisdiction without a real public interest issue such as liquor stores next to schools. Suggesting a business cannot operate in a city because of the owner's beliefs is unconstitutional.

-The church can hold any view they want to in America and should not have to defend them from the government. The government nor public opinion gets to tell a religion which actions and lifestyles are actually sins in that religion.

-A business owner can hold any belief he wishes the same as any other American and can run his business in any way AND ANYWHERE he wishes within the limits of law.

-An individual can choose which businesses they give their businesses to.

Simple enough? I am absolutely right on every one of these points and seriously doubt anyone can argue logically against any one of these.
Two things I never talk about with most people are religion and politics. People are set in there ways on both and it's not worth the fight, arguement with most.

That being said I'm not a huge fan of Chic-fil-A, I like Popeyes chicken, but sadly they closed the only one they had close by me. They also took away Famous Dave's Barbeque. Pittsburgh sucks.

I think the CEO of Chic-fil-A made a very critical mistake in publicly taking a stance on Gay marriage. What was his point except to alienate people even more than they are now alienated. His stores may be reveling in the sudden business boom, but I suspect that it will be short lived.

I would not be surprised if there were a gay backlash coming where gays will start picketing Chic-Fil-A and there might even be some violence from both sides. He has put his employees and customers in jeopardy People will not want to go to their stores just for safety reasons and Chic-fil-A stockholders will take a hit in their wallets.

He is right to have his opinion about gay marriage, and even the right to speak his mind... It is also better to keep your opinions to yourself and keep your mouth shut. It's always better to have people think you are an idiot than to open your mouth and prove them right. :grin:

Chickfila is a family owned business, so they do not report to shareholders...this is a second amendment issue,,,last time i checked he has the right to say what he wishes, the overwhelming support stirred on by Mike Huckabee shows that people do not like bullies...CFA does not refuse service to anyone. The company has Christian values, if you do not like that, don't eat there, it would be your loss in terms of tasty food and good service.

Rahm Emanuel and other Mayors hopefully will get voted out in the end as well, you would be a fool to make statements like they have the past couple of days....


I was not aware that it was a family owned business, but one could easily put the word Family in place of Shareholders.

Nobody said he did not have a right to his opinion or to say what he said. It's just that a business owner opening his mouth in public on such a sensitive issue (either way) is not the smartest thing to do and it may cause a backlash on his stores and his employees.

Had he made a similar remark about Blacks, or Hispanics the crowds at is stores might not have been so friendly?


If memory serves me, obama basically said the same thing....he said marriage is between a man and a woman...then biden made him flip flop....
Anyone tired of this new world? Telling the Christian church, that we dont have the right. To speak on our thousdands of years old moral beliefs. Even melenia before the New Testament. RAISE YOUR HAND !

This much new world politcal correctness. Is not thrown at the other religions as much Christians in this country. PC has soo many accepting the lies from Islam. Aslo what man thinks is right. Not what the creator says.

Jesus never taught terroism. He taught to dust your feet(a cultural thing at that time) and walk away in love. When people were not intrested in the gospel. That was esenstialy love and forgivenes and to love God.

I know that there are scriptures in the New Testament, That sound as if Jesus was teaching to be bad (radical) to an enemy. If you take the whole chapture, scripture or book. Translate it to the greek or Hebrew. The meaning of much is different. I wish the english Bibles were completely tranlated, with the extended phrases, from the original languages.

My issue is no matter what religion involved. If you dont agree or like it. Walk away, dont tear it down.

I honestly believe with out any religion mankind cannot and willnot continue to carry some morals that are left and held dear for melenia, by many religions.

I hate to see the day come again when the killings between families are considered honorable in our courts. That would include against gays'. Since this where this thread started....Im not jesting...this world is changing. Moraly backwards.

Is it because we are modern and enlightend now?? Mankind has had stages of enlightenment about morals for melinium. Truth has always won in the end.

Hey if Gays have a right to march down main street. Anyway they want.

A Christian should have the same right to proffess, their belief with out society and media backlash.

Of course Christians were warned what would happen, 2000yrs ago (hated). I may dislike some folks, but I dont hate.
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I'm sick of being told I'm backward and ignorant, or a bigot because I have convictions about what is a Christian family. I have never made any statement about upholding the denial of legal rights to any two people and I would defend a gay couple's right to all legal advantages and privileges any heterosexual couple in the United States enjoys. A legal family is whatever is in the pursuit of happiness as far as the Constitution is concerned. That extends to polygamy as well, I'm afraid, if we hold to the Constitution as the framework for which all legal rights are protected. Should it come to a vote in my state, I will be on the side of the Constitution and vote yes for equal rights for all U.S. citizens. That would not contradict my Christian beliefs as God never instructed me to ensure His commands are manifested through earthly law. It is very insulting to tell me that my religious convictions are wrong, though.

It gets even more insulting when I'm a (insert any derogatory word here) because I identify myself with God's truths and the example of the life we should strive for as shown through his divinity expressed through the man Jesus. Hate was never expressed by the perfect manifestation of Yahweh in the flesh. I hate nobody and to label me in such a way because I unashamedly self-identify as Christian without even bothering to talk to me about my beliefs is the most bigoted reaction to my absolutely pacifist lifestyle.

I recognize homosexuals' rights to have legal unions as granted in the Constitution of the United States, the second most important document ever put to paper. I also recognize the church's right to practice as instructed by God through the Bible. Last, I recognize all individuals' rights to believe and say whatever they want as protected by the Constitution.

And if we must ask how I would react if I was in the situation of having a family member who is homosexual, I can easily answer to that. I have two homosexual relatives in my family. They know everything I have stated above. They also know that I love them. They also understand that I do not stand in judgement of them. No one sin is more or less a sin than another. The gluttonous preacher is as much a sinner as the homosexual and as much as I am for any of the number of sins I commit daily. For me to preach down to them about homosexuality opens me up to them preaching to me about any one of my visible sins. That's between me and God. God's grants us all grace regardless.

Sorry for the long rant but I just get really pissed when I am labeled in a particular way by those "more enlightened" than myself. It's arrogant, ignorant and incredibly bigoted to profess to know who I am and what I stand for if all you know about me is that I identify as a Christian. I'll gladly sit down with anyone and discuss the Bible, the Constitution and certainly the ridiculous path this nation is on.

God bless the United States...if it be Thine will. I am afraid it may not.
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I agree with you except I don't feel that being gay is a religious issue. Even if people want to consider it to be a religious issue, we still have "Freedom of Religion" and laws against discrimination against anyone based on Race, Religion, or Sexual Orientation. There are gay people in every religion.

I don't believe in any law that discriminates against anyone in our society does us any good. That would simply mean that anyone with a different opinion should be considered as outcasts and not worthy for citizenship. Denying marriage to gays is a form of discrimination.

Some of our country's greatest people were gay and nobody knew or cared until the world found out they were gay?


There is no scientific data that supports the premise that gay chicken taste any different from other chicken. Now, global warmings effect on chicken taste is a problem of monumental significance. I however, have determined that Spatchcock Chicken, slow cooked, is the best ever.

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I am against people parking at the Mall that are not using the Mall.

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