For CCW, you want to carry with one bullet in the chamber, ready to fire. You don't want to have to rack a semi-auto to chamber a bullet, therefore, if you're looking at a semi-auto, look at double actions (I think Rich posted this, he knows what he's talking about in my opinion). Double action allows you to pull the trigger and fire without the added step of cocking a hammer.
Same goes for a revolver, you should be ready to fire, all cylinders loaded, therefore, a double action is necessary.
Stay away from single action pistols, whether semi-auto or revolver. Single action you have to first cock the hammer, then pull the trigger.
Also, a laser, such as a Crimson Trace, is worth the money. Think about the crook you finally have to pull a gun on. When he sees a red laser, it has a devastating effect on the guy that really isn't a hardened criminal, he may back down. The hardened criminal will just keep coming, and under diress, most of us aren't rock solid, so a red laser dot on the subject will help point of aim. Crimson Trace makes lasers for many handguns, they replace the stock Hand Grips and cost about $300. There are others out there. Well worth the money. Those that have them, speak up for Tom. I was shooting a 45 ACP from the hip today at 25 & 50 yards, with a laser, hitting 50 to 70% of my shots on a 10" steel plate.
Get a Stainless Steel or Scandium gun. CCW means you're gonna give the finish a beating, and stainless holds up very well (no rust, no constant oil rag wiping, nor holster wearing the finish off).
.22 caliber too small.
As others have said, .32/.380 about minimum, but easy to conceal. Real nice backup or pocket gun.
Ruger makes a great Double Action Revolver, model SP101 in .357 magnum. Affordable. Can be upfitted with a laser. 357 is a handful in a 2" barrel revolver, but here's the good news, practice with .38 Specials. The gun shoots both, and 38's cost less and more forgiving on your recoil. You probably can buy reloaded 38's from your local gun shop (cops use them). Gun is about $350, I think. Add $300 for a laser. As I recall, you're not a small guy, so CCW with a beefy gun like this should not be a problem. It's offered in a hammerless (concealed inside the gun frame), so the hammer won't get stuck on clothing during a draw, which is important. Plus, you can beat a Ruger to death, hot loads and all, and they just keep working. It's one that I use. Made in America.
9mm, too small in my opinion.
45 ACP - absolutely great if you can conceal it. I'm a traditional M1911 type guy, and the old Colts are pretty thin and I can carry pretty decent. Kimber makes wonderful 45 ACP pistols, but they're not cheap. Made in New York.
You mentioned Tarus, I have a few. They basically make/have made copies of the Smith & Wesson frame guns (long story, if you're interested it's on the web). Tarus recently came out with a 1911 45 ACP. Looks good, affordable, made in Brazil. You get what you pay for here.
Smith & Wesson has made some "Air Lite" or so revolvers. Made from titanium/scandium type alloys. Be careful, shoot them first before you buy. The lighter the frame, the more punishing the recoil. You have to shoot to be comfortable and make your ccw second nature. If recoil is too much, you flinch and may not practice as much as you should.
Anything larger than 45 ACP, is just too big and difficult to conceal.
I've stayed away from composite guns, like the Glock. I just don't like them. I don't think you can beat good old metal in a gun fight and day to day. Just my opinion.
I've read all your posts/responses. I hope this helps you in what you're looking for.