Here's what's up next to be rammed down our throats!

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Here's what's up next to be rammed down our throats! :throwup:


Obama backs senators' immigration overhaul outline:

WASHINGTON President Barack Obama, facing criticism from advocates of immigration reform, pledged Thursday "to do everything in my power" to get immigration legislation moving in Congress this year.

Obama said work on an immigration bill should move forward based on an outline released Thursday by Sens. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.

"A critical next step will be to translate their framework into a legislative proposal, and for Congress to act at the earliest possible opportunity," Obama said.

The outline calls for illegal immigrants to admit they broke the law, pay a fine and back taxes, and perform community service if they want to get on a pathway to legal status. They would also be required to pass background checks and be proficient in English.

"I congratulate Sens. Schumer and Graham for their leadership, and pledge to do everything in my power to forge a bipartisan consensus this year on this important issue so we can continue to move forward on comprehensive immigration reform," Obama said.

Obama's statement and the senators' outline were timed for release before a march and rally Sunday that is expected to draw tens of thousands of people to Washington to press the administration and Congress for immigration reform.

Immigrants and their supporters have grown frustrated as the Obama administration has continued to detain and deport immigrants while immigration reform remains dormant. Obama had promised to make it a top priority in his first year in office.

Hoping to temper the percolating discontent, Obama held two separate meetings last week with grass-roots immigration leaders as well as Schumer and Graham. The president assured the leaders at the meeting that he remains committed to reform.

Obama met Thursday at the White House with Reps. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., and Solomon Ortiz, D-Texas, the sponsors of a House immigration bill. Gutierrez said later he agreed to vote for Obama's signature domestic bill, health care reform, only if an immigration bill advanced quickly and with a presidential imprimatur. The Congressional Hispanic Caucus also endorsed the health care bill.

"I'm committed to voting for this health care bill on that basis," Gutierrez said. "I want the president to be in lockstep with us, which I believe he was during the campaign."

White House spokesman Reid Cherlin said there was no quid pro quo involved in the White House's dealings with Gutierrez.

"Congressman Gutierrez is a longtime leader of the reform effort on the Hill, so of course they've had many conversations about it, and they'll continue to," Cherlin said.

Other parts of the Schumer-Graham outline include:

_Giving legal permanent residence to people who graduate with doctoral or master's degrees from U.S. universities.

_Adopting zero tolerance for illegal immigrants who commit crimes and expanding enforcement of immigration laws.

_Creating a flexible legal immigration system that brings in more low-skilled workers when jobs are available and fewer in a recession.

_:throwup:Requiring all U.S. workers _ citizens and legal immigrants _ to get fraud-proof Social Security cards with a biometric identifier.

Associated Press writers Laurie Kellman and Charles Babington contributed to this report.

Give EVERYONE healthcare, Make the illegals LEGAL and the Dems will have beholden, cool aide drinking voters to keep them in office....IMO!

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The healthcare Bill mentioned US citizens and people here "lawfully", amnesty will give them that status. It all seams together, the puzzle of how to lose all soverienty of America as we know it. The extreme leftist agenda. Incrementalism. The Constitution is a living document crap will be mentioned heavily in the next few months. :btddhorse:
You gotta love how, when a Republican was put into the White House by a narrow margin and was pushing his agenda, a number of the members here declared how he had a mandate from the people to do it. But now, when there's a Democrat in the White House (by a wider margin) who is pushing his agenda, they now decry that things are being "rammed down our throats". Figures.
The Gov has to something with all the illegals here, they can't send them all back and in many cases it would be inhumane to do so. That being said the Gov needs to do its job and protect the borders so we don't have hordes more illegals coming in waiting for the next amnesty. Of course the Gov will never do the second part because corporations want their slave labor. To be honest I would support mining the border.
You gotta love how, when a Republican was put into the White House by a narrow margin and was pushing his agenda, a number of the members here declared how he had a mandate from the people to do it. But now, when there's a Democrat in the White House (by a wider margin) who is pushing his agenda, they now decry that things are being "rammed down our throats". Figures.

Healthcare is 1/6th of the economy. it is a huge bill, 2409 pages. Obama/Pelosi/Reid are doing things that very crooked, if people do not see this, they are still on the Kool-aid of Hope and Change.
Healthcare is 1/6th of the economy. it is a huge bill, 2409 pages. Obama/Pelosi/Reid are doing things that very crooked, if people do not see this, they are still on the Kool-aid of Hope and Change.

Just like when the previous administration gave us the so-called "Patriot Act", the people who supported it were on the Kool-aid.
Just like when the previous administration gave us the so-called "Patriot Act", the people who supported it were on the Kool-aid.

The Patiot Act was passed on a bipartisan effort after 9/11.

We were attacked, defenses and intellegence gathering efforts needed to be beefed up.

Some provisions of the Act were a bit intrusive, however on a war footing Bush

listened to his advisors and did what he felt was right.

I didn't hear America in an uproar over it....

Obama has extended alot of what was in the Patriot Act.

You're statement shows, liberals are weak on the war on terror...

Big difference, fighting known Isamic terroists, versus fighting your own American

people...the majority of Americans do not want this piece of crap bill.

The dems are using bribes, extortion and any means possible to pass this crap,

Never has the country been so tainted. not even Nixon pulled this kind of garbage.

"Liberalism is a mental disorder".....Michael Savage
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Read the Bill...the cost of everything is going up to comply with this so-called heathcare bill.

look for your snacks in vending machines to go up a nickel of dime.

read the bill and think of the ramifications to businesses to comply.

I am reading the bill off and is crap...
6 (r)(1) An employer shall provide

7 (A) a reasonable break time for an employee to

8 express breast milk for her nursing child for 1 year

9 after the childs birth each time such employee has

10 need to express the milk; and

11 (B) a place, other than a bathroom, that is

12 shielded from view and free from intrusion from co13

workers and the public, which may be used by an em14

ployee to express breast milk.

15 (2) An employer shall not be required to compensate

16 an employee receiving reasonable break time under para17

graph (1) for any work time spent for such purpose.

Now businesses will have to partition their breakrooms to accommidate

employees expressing breast milk..... the bill, it has to be approved by the Secretary....this bill is a is going to cost states billions in unfunded mandates, and the states are already broke....

keep hoping and changing.....
Is it just me or does every post by Bud make absolutely no sense at all?? BillV why bother? Bud would oppose the Pope if he were a Democrat...

it's YOU!

I like some Democrats, let's see....uh....oh yeah, Zell Miller he's a good one....that's about it.

The rest of those commies can :kiss_it::fire::cheeky::bwahaha:

"Liberalism is a mental disorder".....Michael Savage
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The outline calls for illegal immigrants to admit they broke the law, pay a fine and back taxes, and perform community service if they want to get on a pathway to legal status. They would also be required to pass background checks and be proficient in English.

Dont know about you but this sounds like a step in the right direction.

Other parts of the Schumer-Graham outline include:

_Giving legal permanent residence to people who graduate with doctoral or master's degrees from U.S. universities.

_Adopting zero tolerance for illegal immigrants who commit crimes and expanding enforcement of immigration laws.

_Creating a flexible legal immigration system that brings in more low-skilled workers when jobs are available and fewer in a recession.

_Requiring all U.S. workers _ citizens and legal immigrants _ to get fraud-proof Social Security cards with a biometric identifier.

Although I dont like the biometric identifier I think the rest sounds good to me.

I for one have had it with the finger pointing going on in our government. Either work together to fix a problem or vote against the bill. Stop trying to make the other side look like they are the bad guys while doing nothing to correct the problem yourself.
Is it just me or does every post by Bud make absolutely no sense at all??

It's just you Frank. Why is it the Democratic portion of our administration is so intent on shoving a bill down our throats that most Americans do not want?

You gotta love how, when a Republican was put into the White House by a narrow margin and was pushing his agenda, a number of the members here declared how he had a mandate from the people to do it. But now, when there's a Democrat in the White House (by a wider margin) who is pushing his agenda, they now decry that things are being "rammed down our throats". Figures

Billl V, when the Democratic portion of our electorate completely ignores the majority of Americans and continues to ram crap down our throats we don't want, they are acting for their own benefit, not ours. The largest problem now is jobs and the economy, and all Obama and his band of idiots wants to do is spend money we don't have.

Ignorance is bliss...

Ignorance must be bliss if for one minute you think Obamacare is a positive step forward. Healthcare reform yes, this pile of crap, no.

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Here's an email I just got...

Don't forget to pay your taxes....

Muchas gracias!

21 million illegal aliens are depending on you!

[Broken External Image]:
One issue I had with President Bush was the fact that he helped promote ammnesty for illegals. For his support, John McCain also was/is not on my "happy list" either. Bush did not do much of anything to secure our border as best they could be. I know there is a lot of turf to cover but we can do better.

As far as healthcare reform, I do not have a problem with reform but I do not care for the current pile of crap that is being presented as reform and I don't care for the style in which it is being sent forward. The Healthcare Summit was just about as successful as the "Beer Summit" was last year. The style being used sucks IMO!

I'm just an old Grandpa who is really tired of the whole process but this administration's style doesn't impress me.:throwup: The Chicago style is gonna rub a lot of folks the wrong way.
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6 (r)(1) An employer shall provide

7 (A) a reasonable break time for an employee to

8 express breast milk for her nursing child for 1 year

9 after the childs birth each time such employee has

10 need to express the milk; and

11 (B) a place, other than a bathroom, that is

12 shielded from view and free from intrusion from co13

workers and the public, which may be used by an em14

ployee to express breast milk.

15 (2) An employer shall not be required to compensate

16 an employee receiving reasonable break time under para17

graph (1) for any work time spent for such purpose.

Now businesses will have to partition their breakrooms to accommidate

employees expressing breast milk.....

Doesn't this happen pretty much universally already? Every business of significant size I'm ever in these days has a "lactation room" or something similar. Why are you whining about businesses needing to do something in the future that they're already doing voluntarily without incident? You make it sound like it's a major change.

Next you'll be complaining about businesses being required to provide restrooms for their employees...
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