Home Invasion

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In Memoriam 1950-2022
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
Pasadena, TX
I have been meaning to ask you guys for prayer. For my B-inlaw, married to my youngest sister. Earlyier in the week he was baby siting his grand kids. About 7pm, 3 guys barged in. Tied him up with tie raps. Pistol whiped him all over his head and kicked him repeatedly. They kept asking for the drugs and $$$. Ramsacked the house. Knocked holes in the walls even. They left him for dead. The doctors at the trama center told the detectives. His opinion was attemted murder.

They dont even drink nor does my niece. The police told them. The DEA and FBI has been watching the house next door. Speculation is wrong house. We hope so. Before they knocked him out. They said, they were coming back to kill everyone. My niece is staying elsewhere for now. She is a single mom, recently divorced. Be praying for my neices safety also.

You hear about these things. You never expect it to be so close to home.

Thanks, Eddie
My prayers go out to you and your family, hopefully he will heal fast and they catch the guys that did this. Why do criminals have to be so F-ing stupid, the same exact thing happened here in Pittsburgh about two weeks ago, three guys broke into a older lady's house beat her wanting the drugs and money, meanwhile they wanted the house next door. While they were beating her and trashing her house one of the guys looked at a piece of her mail and saw it was the wrong place, apologized and left. WTF, the police are still looking for the guys.
I'll keep them in my prayers. That is sad that people have to stoop that low. I grew up in a bad part of Minneapolis, we did have our house broken into a few times, one was the wrong house sort of thing, thankfully we weren't home. The robbers had cut up my pillows in my bedroom, we think they were looking for drugs as well. I hope they catch the guys that did this and they get locked up for a long long time.:fire:
Sorry to hear that...praying. Praying they find the bastards that did this, praying for you BIL, praying for your sis, praying that whatever holes people have in their heart and soul that turns them to drugs and other forms of addiction can be healed by the grace of God.

Hope he gets better soon and they catch the guys.

This is why I'm usually armed, even in my house. The town is going to hell.
OMG!! glad he's alive to tell the tale. They most certainly will be in my prayers. I'm sure that god's will and justice will be done. Bob

Very sorry to hear what happened...I pray that he has a quick recovery and that everthing works out ok. I hope they find the thugs that did that and bury them under the jail.

Thanks guys,

He is home now. But is so teribly sore and beaten down. Bad headaches, many stitches.

It has effected him emotionaly somewhat. Having some memory laspes. Even though it happened at his daughters house. The info I get is he is staying secluded. I get my Info from my sister and nieces. He is not talking to family yet.

He is 5'9" stocky 210lbs of all muscle. But no match for a suprise attack of 3 gunmen.

I have been beaten before, but not pistol whiped. And it was only one person. I can only imagine the pain he has.

Thanks for your concerns. I will update you,when he feels like talking.
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Has your local police service arranged for their Victim Services Unit to get trauma counselling for this man. Surely they didn't send him home with a "get over it"? He will absolutely

need some intervention. Trust me on this one, get him some professional to talk to.

I invite those SOB's over my house. I have a cold one for them... Cold blue steel with a flying projectile of lead at about 2000 FPS.

Caymen, what loads do you have @ 2000fps? The hotest loads I done for my 44 were 245grain self casted lyman semi-wad cutters @ 1250fps.
Gerry Mac,

I dont know if he is getting victims assitance. IMO, I agree with you. This wasnt a common butt whipping.
My CZ52 fires them at about 1700 FPS. It is a wicked round. A .460 S&W Magnum pushes 2000 FPS. That is a beast!


It's very big of you to talk tough, and invite them to your house because you have a gun.

If you read how this home invasion occured, you would not have had time to get your gun before you would have been swarmed over by the three assailants. Of course you might have a chance if you carry your gun with you in your house.

But remember, he was babysitting his grandchildren and carrying a loaded gun would probably not be very appropriate...at least most normal people would not have a loaded gun handy when their were children present...but then nobody would consider you being normal

If they overpowered you before you could shoot them, they would have beaten you, shot you and possibly the kids too.

If they thought the house was a drug dealer house they would have expected the occupant to have a gun and so you would not have had the element of suprise,,,,the criminals always had that.

I have a gun in my house too, but I'm sure that I and 99.9% of the people on this site would have been caught off guard by these criminals. In this case stong locks, and a security camera and intercom would have done more to prevent this than a gun, by eliminating the criminals element of suprise. If I see 3 unknown people at my door, I am not going to just open the door... that gives me time to get my gun incase they try to kick the door in.



Caymen could have taken them on. His gun is always at his side. Better than 3" lifts at making one feel bigger. Also, Caymen's sharp wit could have cut them better than any knife. He would have been fine.


Seriously though. You make good points. Personally, and like I have said before, I know this can happen anywhere, but I still believe a man's home is his castle. Not meaning to throw any stones, but if this incident is as reported, a mistake when the real target was a drug-house next door, this takes me back to something I said long ago.

"The day I need a gun in my own house, or don't feel safe in my house or neighborhood is the day that I move."

I've been in homes with extra deadbolts, and door security bars/props in place, home security systems, etc, and like I said...I refuse to live that way.

I'm not saying that Eddie's BIL and sis live in such a place or neighborhood, because I recognize that there are exceptions and the odd examples all over. I'm just speaking in general.

When I have to live "fortified" in my own house...well, time to move.

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