Home Owners Assoc. says I have to park in the driveway!

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I hate to say it, but I agree. Too many "Wet Knobs" out there that we have to protect from

themselves! (Darwin's Theory should be accepted into LAW!!!).

And what was that... No Boats!!!:(
If this was the issue I wouldn't have a problem with the rule. As I have stated we don't have a problem with emergency vehicles not being able to make down any of our streets.

Sorry for the mis-understanding SST, I was just painting a picture for the masses, not necessarily for you. We have people in my community that (even after the Ambulance Incident) still don't like the rule.

Ape Out.
Teasip, If we do the "Men of the Square Table" thing, you must first get a more "Manly"

Moniker than "Teasip" (Sounds English!)!, at least for those sessions!

I say this with Respect, as my ancestry has been traced to 1546 England, and I have the

large nose, and not-so-perfect teeth!

But I do agree! We must form our own "Square Table", before it is done for us!

"If not by us, then by whom... If not now, when?".

Shall we take a vote to form a comittee?;)
What shall be our Quest? The Holy Grail? Perhaps if we find it we shall save Ford Motor Company.

See the link for the Lego version of the Camelot scene. :D

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Not a Nissan "Quest", hopefully!!!

P.S., As long as we do not take for our "Theme Song", or "Anthem",

"I'm a Lumberjack, I'm O.K.!", we,...should be O.K.!!!;)
Then how about:

We're Knights of the Round Table

We dance whene'er we're able

We do routines and chorus scenes

With footwork impeccable

Scott - read my post again. We have 4 cars, two go in the garage the other two in the driveway. My 16 year old step daughter is with us half time and she has her own car (87 Corrolla that is in great shape) My garage is cleaner than 90% of the poplulation and is not used for storing junk. The junk gets thrown out as we are not pack rats. If I had a boat and or RV it would get parked in secured storage or at my buddies house who has 5 acres of land and a garage that can store 20 cars. And, where we park the 5th car is not bothering anyone or any of the neighbors. I guess I have too much junk. 2 Fords and 2 Beemers both M3s.
Is your development built on public streets? Or are the streets private property. If public, you can probably fight it.

We live in an area with a HOA. I got a "memo" for having my camper in the driveway (12' popup in great shape). Was told it had to behind the house with a fence shielding it, or in the garage. Talked to another neighbor and found out the streets are public, so I parked it there for awhile, so I could finish unpacking the boxes we had in the garage. Finally sold the camper as we weren't using it and needed the parking in the garage. 6 cars - 05 SRT4, 06 Focus, 06 Ranger, 01 ST, 99 Sable, and 93 Mustang. One is always on the street, sometimes more.

I see the point of no parking on the street, we have some areas near the front of our development (separate community) that the houses are so close, you can only drive through single file as there are vehicles on both sides of the road, and it looks junky.

Will I live in an area with a HOA again? Nope. I want my space, but for now, it serves me well, as it protects the property values and provides a nice area for me to reside close to work. When I retire, that will no longer be an issue....
Scott - the rule was not in affect when we bought the house. They added it a year later after we bought the house and just started, to try, enforce them four years later. This HOA doesn't want any confrontation with any home owner.
re: Home Owners Assoc. says I have to park in the driveway! by SeattleSportTrac,8/20/2006 09:57 CT

Scott - the rule was not in affect when we bought the house. They added it a year later after we bought the house and just started, to try, enforce them four years later. This HOA doesn't want any confrontation with any home owner.

There's the solution: Go down and open up a 55-gallon drum of "whoop-ass" on them! Give them a little confrontation! :D:D:D

Seriously, this kind of sucks. I hope you can work something out with them. Are others affected and/or annoyed by the rules? Maybe you can band together.
Gavin - LOL they just send out a letter and hope you follow it. Where I park sometimes is at the end of the street where we live so it's not bothering anyone. I've been parking in the driveway though and when my daughter has her car over she can park it in the street as they say you can have your car on the street for 72 hours. It's no different than the HOA trying to enforce that you have to keep your lawn mowed once a week. We have a landscaping service that does it once a week but others don't take car of their lawns. And, they don't do anything about it even though they send out letters to those residents. My neighbor across from me is on the board and I know him well and he has never said it's a problem of me parking on the street. I just find it humorous that they are trying to enforce after four years of being a new rule.