Honda Ridgeline, MT TRUCK of the year

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Funny you have to run F150 stats to even come close to comparing to an RL. What that tells me, in so many words, is you are admitting that the ST does not compare to the RL. Am I correct?
DiveTac.... LOL! That is a classic!!!!

OK... I will leave this ST forum and leave you guys to your ST lovin'. Enjoy your trucks, because I know I will enjoy my TRUCK.

Oh, one more comment.....

Tom - "Again, It took Honda how long to beat the Sport Trac? "

Ummmm....on their first try?!?!?

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Honda calls the Ridgeline "A true 1/2 ton truck". I am showing that, by comparison, potential owners are being mislead. The Ridgeline is not a 1/2 ton truck.

The Explorer Sport Trac is not even a truck. Ford never marketed it as a truck. Ford does not list it a truck. Ford does not even call it a truck. Ford does not call it a 1/2 to truck, because they know what a 1/2 ton truck really is.

OK, Tom... I was leaving, but you keep dragging me back.....

Tom - "The Explorer Sport Trac is not even a truck. Ford never marketed it as a truck. Ford does not list it a truck. Ford does not even call it a truck."

OK....THANK YOU. At least one of you can admit it....thank you!

Again, good-bye and good-luck with your ST's! Enjoy!
Ford never designed it to be a truck. Hey, compare your car to the Dodge Dakota.

BTW, an F-150 is a 1/2 ton truck. The RL isn't.

Try not to tow anything. I wouldn't want anything to happen to that Odyssey.

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Honda engineers claim that more than 90 percent of the Ridgeline's chassis is different from the Pilot's

Honda promises this is not a Pilot with a bed (“It has a ninety percent exclusive frame, we swear!”), but that puts a somewhat accurate image in your head.

Ridgeline uses Honda's so-called global truck platform as its foundation. That's also the basis for Honda Pilot and Acura MDX SUVs and Honda Odyssey minivan. But 93% of Ridgeline's body panels are exclusive, Honda says, and 84% of its chassis is.

It's still a piece of **** any way you slice it.
I personally wouldn't go to another enthusiast site and start an argument. That's just ******.
Tom - "Try not to tow anything. I wouldn't want anything to happen to that Odyssey".

I'm not sure what the towing capacity of an Odyssey is, but it's probably more than a ST.

nobleman - "It's still a piece of **** any way you slice it."

I wouldn't exactly call that a Noble Man's reply. More like your typical Ford owner reply. "Me no understand this new technology. Anything new not on truck frame scare me. Must be piece of ****".

Ryan - "I personally wouldn't go to another enthusiast site and start an argument. That's just ******".

And sitting here trashing other vehicles, that you've probably never sat in, let alone taken for a test drive, is....what, great? Besides, I didn't start an arguement. I just pointed out, that with all the awards that the RL has gotten this year, maybe it's not as bad as all you ST fans say it is.

Now, did I EVER call the ST a piece of ****, or anything like that?!?!? Go ahead, take a look...... NO I DIDN'T, did I. You and your fellow ST forum folk are the ones trashing the RL, I got tired or reading the spew, and so I decided to take a stand. I was just trying to have a civil, spirited, conversation ...... I guess that is not possible on this forum.

Whatever. Don't really care. Anyway, like I said, enjoy your ST's. I know I enjoy my RL. :D


I am so sorry. The Odyssey is more then the Trac. 3500 LBS total trailer weight. That mofo is a bad arse.

RLOwner- "And sitting here trashing other vehicles, that you've probably never sat in, let alone taken for a test drive, is....what, great? Besides, I didn't start an arguement. I just pointed out, that with all the awards that the RL has gotten this year, maybe it's not as bad as all you ST fans say it is."

To this I say re-read the thread. I haven't said anything bad about the ridgeline, so don't quote me and then directly link me to some asinine comment like the one quoted above. I personally don't like them, and would certainly never buy one, but you did and that's fine. Seeing as I don't own one nor do I like them, you won't find me on a forum that DEALS with them. Plain and simple. In the strange occurance that I DID happen upon a RL site and pay a visit, I certainly wouldn't open my mouth about it. What would the point of that be? We here on this site love OUR TRUCKS. Yes, I called it a truck. Deal with it. It's mine, I'll call it whatever I feel like.

Oh, and I just found this on All you ST fans will LOVE this.....

By Lawrence Ulrich, MONEY magazine..... (and I quote):

"......It's most direct competitor is the Ford Explorer SportTrac, but frankly it's no competition: The Ridgeline is leagues ahead."

Hey, I didn't write it....don't shoot the messenger.....

First of all, you think what THAT guy thinks is going to change my mind about my vehicle? You think I care what anyone thinks about my vehicle?

The ridgeline JUST came out. The ST has been out for a few years now. You should know how this works by now, each company tries to one-up the other one. The 07 ST may end up giving the RL a run for it's money. Who knows.

Bottom line is that you are wasting your time trying to argue on here, and defend your vehicle. I understand it is easy to get defensive over your vehicle, but I highly doubt that anyone on this SPORT TRAC forum, that has stated his/her OPINION, will be moved by your argument and persuaded to join you in your love for the Ridgeline.
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oh yeah, did anyone else notice that RLOwner resurrected a thread from 3 WEEKS ago to argue about?? check the dates...geesh, I thought I was experiencing dejavu.
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But Ryan, you do agree that the RL looks like an ugly piece of dog $h!t that Roseanne Barr puked on, which Martha Stewart used a plastic mold to shape, and then painted a pretty pastel color, right?
Caymen – “ F-150 Maximum payload...Regular cab, 4x2 5.4L with payload package. 3060 LBS.”

Hmmm….the mighty F-150. That isn’t the same vehicle what was mysteriously bursting into flames and burning down people’s homes, now was it? Man, now that is Ford quality!!!

Q – “Waait a minute, did you mention the spare, being in a tray, all nice and dry and comfy. Isn't that special! Except, no wait, the spare that comes with the RL is a freakin' DONUT! LOL! Now folks, there's a joke. And yes, I'm afraid that our 300+ better tow rating means that we can haul more. That means this 6 year old truck can outhaul your brand new one. Now why is that? Maybe because the RL is a fat pig and too heavy and that little amount of torque you have for that pig is too low? You know, that's why REAL TRUCKS have a lower HP but a higher Torque, like our range between the two varies to about 35.”

Yes, I admit that is a bit short sighted by Honda to include a small spare instead of a full sized one. From what I understand that will be addressed in later models. But, if a RL owner were to buy a full-sized spare and put it in there, it fits perfectly. Yes, and it is all nice dry, clean and “comfy”, as you put it. I dunno about you, but if I were heading someplace in my Sunday best, and I were to get a flat….I know I would appreciate a nice clean spare, that is easy to reach. Oh wait….since the Honda engineers figured that out, not the Ford Engineers, that’s stupid, right?

Q – “OK, AWD is great for snow, but you know what? 4WD is better for all terrains. You see, you have no torquey 4WD Low lose there as well. It's obvious the drive system was designed for soccer moms, does the term "Girly truck" ring a bell? "It rides like a car"

Again you are painfully wrong, Q. I think you should do a little research before you start spewing misconceptions. At low speeds (Under 18 MPH) you can lock the drive system of the RL into 4x4 low, in situations of low traction….like pulling a boat out of a boat landing, etc. Again, do a little research before you start spewing crap!

The curb weight of a RL is 4540 (From– The curb weight of a ST 4x2 is 4349. The curb weight of a ST 4x4 is 4400. Wow, huge difference there. If the RL is a fat pig….then the ST is her twin sister.

Oh, and by the way, I found a little tidbit out on the net about the ST towing…. From –

“Towing/Payload Capacity: Explorer Sport models with a automatic overdrive transmission have a maximum towing capacity of 5040 lb. Sport Tracs can tow up to 5300 lb when properly equipped”

Notice that….”When properly equipped”. That means you have to add something to the basic package in order to get it up to 5300 lbs. of towing capacity. The 5000 towing capacity of the RL comes standard. So the ST standard towing capacity is a whopping 40 lbs. more than the RL standard towing capacity.

Q- “You mentioned the bed. Yeah, how many tiedowns doe the RL have? 4? We have like 20. And we have 12-volt power in the bed. Does the RL? Nope. Functionality. And guess what? Ours doesn't scratch. Superior.”

Yes, the bed of the RL only has 4 tiedowns. Thing is, the ST needs that many tiedowns because, if you have a lot of small items in the back, you need that many tiedowns to secure them. You know what, if I have any amount of smaller items, I can just put them in the trunk, so I/the RL doesn’t need numerous tiedowns.

As far as the bed liner scratching, I haven’t had that problem.

ST “Superior”. Yeah, right.

Q - Yeah, it also sags like grandama's ****ies if you put a little weight into it. “

The RL can haul up to 1/3 of it’s curb weight in it’s bed. That’s right, 1/3, that’s over 1550 lbs. There are a lot of trucks out there that cannot claim that. I think that’s very capable. With a frame that is 20 times stiffer than most ot
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You guys sure know how to beat a dead horse. You might as well be discussing religion or politics. I just don't understand how grown men can get so worked up about who's truck is better. The RL has features that the current ST does not what. The RL is a newer design. The RL looks a lot like an Avalanch; so what. The ST and RL are different in some respects, but much the same in most. They can both be called small trucks; they both can exceed all posted speed limits; they both can hold five passengers; they both serve the same basic purpose.

If ya want to argue about something then make it something important; like what is the best fighter jet in production today? F15, F18, certainly not the little, piss-ant F16.
Bill-E - "You guys sure know how to beat a dead horse. You might as well be discussing religion or politics. I just don't understand how grown men can get so worked up about who's truck is better. The RL has features that the current ST does not what. The RL is a newer design. The RL looks a lot like an Avalanch; so what. The ST and RL are different in some respects, but much the same in most. They can both be called small trucks; they both can exceed all posted speed limits; they both can hold five passengers; they both serve the same basic purpose."

I couldn't agree more. At least somebody in this ST forum has a level head. Thanks Bill.

There is no "properly Equipped" option fror the Sport Trac. 5040 for the 4x4 and 5300 for the 4x2.

It is known the Ridgeline sucks off-road. Every magazine that tested it says the same thing.

Do you know the difference between a locked 4x4 system and a 4x4 Low?

by this comment...

Again you are painfully wrong, Q. I think you should do a little research before you start spewing misconceptions. At low speeds (Under 18 MPH) you can lock the drive system of the RL into 4x4 low, in situations of low traction….like pulling a boat out of a boat landing, etc. Again, do a little research before you start spewing crap!

Learn what a 4x4 low is. Every magazine says there is NO 4x4 low. You might be talking about a locked center differentialk, but it is not a low gear. True off-road vehicles have a 4x4 Low system, not an AWD sysrem, much the same that comes in cars that are AWD.

Hmmm….the mighty F-150. That isn’t the same vehicle what was mysteriously bursting into flames and burning down people’s homes, now was it? Man, now that is Ford quality!!!

Prove it!


ps, I like you you are one to "throw a punch" then run in the corner to hide. Very cute.