Jerry Gerner 2
Well-Known Member
If it where that simple then don't you think most if not all people would do so. Man, some people are out of touch with reality. Most people are barely getting by form paycheck to paycheck with even with some assistance form the gov't. As for the nation being the way it is financially, the fact is most people of this great nation are mainly to blame for the situation their in, not all but most. Whatever happened to taking responsibility for your own actions. Whatever happened to working hard and being proud of an honest days work and living on that. Most the people that got screwed are the ones that lived on credit be it (credit cards, homes loans,etc.) that they couldn't afford and new it and now the economy is in the tank and jobs are gone they're crying foul. "It's the gov't's fault, it's the stock markets fault, it's Bernie Madoff's (however you spell his name) fualt. No people, it's mainly your's. It's amazing how everyone wants to points fingers and not lay claim to there own demize. I was taught you work hard, "SAVE" your money (not give it to some high roller on wall street and hope to get rich), "SAVE your money just incase of hard times i.e. rainy days or in todays case rainy years. No one pointed a gun at these people's heads and said they had to go out and get these houses (mini mansions') just to "look rich" when they knew damn well they couldn't afford it. I grew up in the country living in old ass trailer homes and often in cars and sometimes on the streets. I've brought myself back from nothing a couple times in my adult years because I wanted to and with no help from any family or the gov't did I do that. I took my life in my own hands and made something for myself. The problem nowadays isn't the gov't, it's the peolpe that want everything "now" and don't want to pay for it or do go out and put all their money into big rims , t.v.'s, expensive clothes, etc. and not into their savings and their bills, rent, mortage or whatever else they should be worried about. I know I'm gonna get alot of harsh statements sent my way for this but it's the truth and the truth hurts.
Take control of your own lives and make something of it, don't wait around for the gov't to change because it hasn't in over two hundred years. And I'm out. :haveabeer:
Take control of your own lives and make something of it, don't wait around for the gov't to change because it hasn't in over two hundred years. And I'm out. :haveabeer: