How to combat jet lag?

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Joe Rampino

Active Member
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
Dedham, MA
Any good suggestions? I'm leaving China at 6 PM today. (that's 5 AM East coast time Wednesday - 13 hours time difference). I'll arrive in Boston at around 10 PM local time on Wednesday). Flying time will be about 20 hours total. Typically I just go to sleep on the plane whenever I feel tired, but I know there's a better wake/sleep cycle. Maybe some of the experienced world wide travelers have some tips.

Xie xie
I am in the military and I just came home from the desert. I flew from the desert through asia to alaska. I would recommend trying to stay up for as long as possible then sleeping once you hit the states. Then take a few days trying to adjust you sleep.
I fly 5 days a week. For me, I just never get off the east coast time. I use the alarm clocks in the various hotels as I need to, but try to stay on my normal food cycle and sleep cycle as best I can.

being in China this is a bit more of a challenge as we are literally talking night and day...
thats funny u mention that...just got back from a 9 hr flight...i had a coke and one of those really small bottles of jack d......calmed me down a bit and then watched a movie and fell asleep.....worked for me
For the flight you are on, I would suggest staying awake for a few hours, then sleeping for around 6 hours, then staying up the rest of the time with whatever you can. This way when you arrive you will be tired and ready to sleep through the night. It has always worked for me...
I have made several overseas flights to Asia and the best thing that I found to combat jet lag is to exercise (primarily walking at a brisk pace or jogging). I usually have the most difficult time adjusting on the return leg of the trip (Asia to USA).

Good Luck,

Take lots of water onto the plane. Dehydration for such a long flight is a concern. Also take some over-the-counter sleeping pills. Try to sleep in 4 hour stretches, stay hydrated. When you land, load up on sugar and caffiene and work a normal day, and go to sleep at the appropriate local time. Fight the urge to get up early, or during the night, even if that means lying quietly in the NOT turn on the TV.

That's what I do.

Usually it is mid-day the 2nd day that I start to get a little tired.

When you get to your destination, take off your shoes and socks, and make fists with your toes in the carpet. (One of the many great lessons that can be learned from the movie "Die Hard".)
When in Rome do as the Romans do.. lol I never get jet lag either, and I have flown alot this past year and half (but not as much as KP/aka coastiejoe though) I just go by the time zone I am in and deal with it. With exceptions of flying back ot Vegas on the 13th and back to Pits on the 15th flying days are OVER! YEA!!!!

....well...I do sometimes fly in my Trac :)