I just rolled my trac on Sunday

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Feb 24, 2003
Reaction score
Tempe, AZ
hey guys,

I know has been a very long time since I have been on here. I have checked periodically for stuff to buy for my trac but it has been a long time. For those of you who know me, my beautiful trac was totalled. For those of you who don't know me, I own (as of this time) a 2001 torredor red sport trac, job 1. I got it back in June of 2000 for my 16th birthday. I am now 21 and driven almost 6 years straight on just my trac. I had put almost 83,000 miles on it, with regular oil changes and maintainance. It was still in great condition with a bunch of accessories, those who know me know how much I put into it. Anyways, on my way up from Tempe, AZ to Las Vegas I lost control after I hit a rough patch of ice and started to turn. I was able to avoid the other vehicles but went off the road and hit the front right bumper which turned me up on my side and I rolled I think about 3 times. I am not quite sure as it went extremely fast. There were two other people in the truck and all three of us were wearing our seatbelts. It is a requirement to ride in my truck, not an option. I don't know how it happened but after we stopped rolling all three of us were able to climb and walk out. I banged my head up pretty good and strained my back good too. My girlfriend was sitting in the front passanger seat and was almost totally unharmed except for some small cuts and bruises. The third passenger was one of our good friends who was cut on the back of her head and fractured her hand with a cut at the same spot. All of us made it out alive and are just sore at this point. We are all going to go out and buy some lottery tickets tomorrow.

We were 7 miles outside of Kingman (I wanted to call Gypsy) when we crashed. The area had been snowed on the last two days and the roads were extremely bad. I was driving well under the speed limit and did not slam on my brakes or turn the wheel drastically. There was nothing I could have done to helped myself out. There were somewhere close to 40 other accidents within a 10 miles stretch of the same road during the two day period of snow and ice.

The good thing is that we all made it out okay and are walking around, the bad thing is that my trac is gone forever. I took pictures and some video and will probably post something in the coming days from it. All the accessories that I had put in are either damaged or scratched or they wouldn't let me take them out. The stuff I could take out that I will sell will be up probably tomorrow on the swap and sell board.

Finally, I just wanted to say to anyone that doesn't like seat belts or thinks that they are just not cool, WEAR IT. It just saved my life and two other people's lives two days ago. If I were not wearing it I would have ended up all over the side of the road like the rest of our luggage and stuff. So please, tell anyone you know to wear their seatbelts and show them the pictures of my truck when I post them later. Thanks and I hope everyone is doing well, I know I am glad to be here!

Cameron! oh man, soooo sorry (and you should have called me, I was in Vegas but, DP and myself would have come back.) I am soo glad you and the others are OK! Happy you all were wearing your seat belts too. So true what Jk said we speculated much. Glad you are back! Now don't be a stranger, and Take care!


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Glad to hear, you all came out ok, or just sore...I hear you on the seat belt issue. I have to remind my wife alot about seat belts and door locks...
Seatbelts. The cheapest, most effective safety item ever invented. You still have people that refuse to wear them.

They cry for ABS, Airbags, stability control, traction control, but refuse to buckle up. Go figure.


sorry for your loss bud. But happy you require your passengers to wear those belts. Good for you. Maybe something good will come back to you.

take care and best wishes to the three of you.

So sorry to hear about your accident and glad to hear that all of you made it out OK. We came back from Phoenix Friday night, we caught a little bit of snow but nothing big.

That is a scary road in the BEST weather condidtions. We came through there for the first time about 14 years ago. There used to be a sign on the road that said "High Fatality Occurance Use Headlights Day and Night". That certainly doesn't give you a warm fuzzy.

The hubby drives that road at least twice a week and rarely does he not see an accident.

Again...sorry to hear about your truck and glad to hear that you're OK.

Thank you all for your support. I forgot to mention that I lost my glasses in the accident and because my eye doctor is popular, he doesn't have any openings till saturday. I have a really bad prescription so that is also helping that headache of mine.

It is time to look for a new car, probably not a trac just because I am not going to be able to afford one :( I have been looking at getting something somewhat similar though. I just need it to be kind of cheap.
and because my eye doctor is popular, he doesn't have any openings till saturday.

I suggest finding a new eye doctor. You have an emergency. You lost your glasses because of an accident. Any doctor that can not take care of me in an emergency is not my doctor for very long. If I were in the waiting room to get glasses and I know someone lost thier glasses due to an accident, I would let them ahead of me.

Cameron - Kudos on making your friends wear their belts. I have grown up in the total loss auto business and I NEVER ride without the belt. I have had that rule for my passengers since high school (1982) and I caught a lot of grief about that. Good for you.

BTW, I just sold my wrecked ST in my auction.

What kind of racing, road or MTB? What level? I raced MTB in the southeast until 2001 (best finish was 3rd in Sport Men for the 2000 season) and the job kept me from training properly. I just found my old training logs and am amazed at the workload I was handling. Getting back in the swing now, thanks to a fiance who completely supports the idea of me riding and lifting five days a week :)
Sorry to hear about your accident. I agree with Tom about your doctor. You have an emergency and should be seen as soon as possible.

Regarding the replacement, if you want something similar, but cheaper look at the GMC Canyon/Chevy Colorado/Isuzu I-350. The are pretty sharp.

[Broken External Image]:

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