I Love the Post Office! NOT!!!

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WXMotorSports DecalsPartsAccs

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2002
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Since I moved to my new shop I drop off the out going mail on the way home. I've been doing this for almost a month now.

The Post Office is two miles down the street in another city.

I'm in line, as I have to process International Mail, the carrier or counter person, 1. is rude. 2. when I request an empty bin, she proceeds to tell me they are only for Business's. I respond, politely, I'm a business and here is 30 packages of mail I need to drop off.

She says "well your from another city and I don't know you". I tell her this is the first time I've ever had a problem dropping off mail and I want to see this new policy. She ends up being nice and explains they are losing bins and don't want to give them out anymore. I said no problem. I know all the people that work at the other Post Office by first name and I will just take it over there in the future. They don't have an issue giving them out especially since I bring two full bins each day of packages.

Since when does she have to "know me" to give out bins...LOL. I spend over 15K a year in shipping with the Post Office. However, they don't give a dam* about their business customers.

Don't even get me started on the carrier that drops mail off at the shop. She had a customer move their car because it was blocking the mail boxes. Customer moves the car and she proceeds to drop off ONE letter total. That is one lazy person as she could of gotten out of the Postal Van to do the same thing.

Ok, I'm done venting :huh:
USPS is a joke. I always worry when something is shipped by USPS. USPS employees and the DMV employees are the worst to deal with.
UPS or FedEx is not an option for the decals to ship. 90% of the packages only weigh 4 ounces. UPS and FedEx will charge a 1 pound for those causing shipping to increase to 7.00+ per package. I don't think you guys want to buy a 8.99 decal and pay 7.00 for shipping. On all the parts and accessories I use FedEx and they have been great.
Talk about the DMV. The idiot last week giving me the eye test forgot to turn the light on in the machine and I was freaking out when I could barely make out the letters. He made me sweat for 20 seconds and then turned them on.:angry:
DMV...please take a number. Why I'm the only person here. Sir TAKE a #. I take the number. She calls my number within 5 secs. I guess they have to keep track of all those numbers.

WA state DMV office several of their employees were stealing SS#.

You are correct about shipping prices. 7.00 for stickers would be pretty high I did not think of that side of it. I worried the entire time I was waiting for my stickers to arrive:D
if u ship enough stuff i know for sure that ups will give u a discounted shipping price and even come by your business and pick it up for u. trust me i know i work for them. no more dealing with slow, unrealiable post office. lol
I have been configuring a client's shipping system all week with UPS, FedEx, and UPS. The only one I have had issues with is USPS. The do not provide a download service for origin based rate pricing. It has been like pulling teeth to get someone there to provide us with the rates.
Our post office had a sign up about a month ago that they were not giving out anymore mail bins to residential customers?? I don't have or need a bin, so that is not a problem for me.

I find it hard to understand why someone at a residence would need a bin to carry their mail back and forth. That sounds like someone who gets way too much junk mail !!

LOL. I think being rude is a job requirement. My wife does face painting. Every year she paints at the USPS annual picnic. She'll tell you they are the rudest group of people in the world.

No wonder they are always going postal!
I find the people at my local post office to be extremely nice, though not the sharpest people, I've never had any of them be rude to me. Then again, I'm always polite, what with the yes ma'am, no ma'am, yes sir, no sir, etc.
The best thing ever at the post office is their little signs that say your debit or credit card must be signed before you can use it.

I dont sign my cards I write "See ID", well that threw the rude lady off. She then tells me I cannot use it since it is not signed. So I ask her to hold on a moment and turn around to the desk where you fill out all Priority forms, etc, and proceed to sign my name. I then turn back around to her and give her my card again, and she then runs the card. So then I ask WTF is the sign for, if I can simply turn around and sign it? She then stopped smiling at that point:huh:
I don't sign my credit cards and I have used them at the post office with no problem. In fact nobody in over 10 years has ever refused to take my credit card because it was not signed. The last time it happened I told the cashier that I don't sign the cards, so if I loose one, the finder will not know what my signature looks like, and it will be very easy for the credit card company to spot a fraudulent charge and a forged signature. She then asked me for a picture ID which I showed her and everything was fine.

The people at our local post office are always very nice. Some are more helpful than I think they should be. I have been in line when some older customer does not know how to mail or address a package and the postal worker will delay everyone in line to fill out the mailing label or explain all the mailing, insurance, options.

At first it's can be a bit annoying but then on second thought, we need a lot more people to be that helpful.

Richard L - I think that not taking a unsigned CC is a new thing, I have noticed three different places in the last 2 weeks that state that it is the credit card company policy for them not to accept an unsigned card, with or with out ID. I like you just used to show ID when I was asked for it every now and then (most of the asking has been in the past few months)
Well I always sign my CC slip with another name (the same name every time) so if my card is stolen and they try and forge my name, they won't even be close. Been signing "Daffy Duck" for 4 years now. Never been a problem with the CC company and I have never had a card stolen, but I doubt that's what the thief will sign...
PO here on base is a joke. I always plan for a long line. There is only 3 registers and even at Christmas time only two would be open.

I write "check my ID" on my cards and I still don't ever get asked.

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