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user 62851

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2005
Reaction score
first time posting a vid, no clue if i did it right, thats why i included the link to the vid.

<embed src="http://videos.streetfire.net/vidiac.swf" FlashVars="video=703b4296-cca5-4bd7-9c9e-990100295da0" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="428" height="352" name="ePlayer" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>
I like how he take a poke a ricers when it looks like a blue Krylon spray can exploded in his interior...a typical 'ricer' mod.

Always playing the pessimist, I wonder if he had his speedo recalibrated for those low gears? I wonder why the name of the video is "8,000 RPM in a Ranger"? That wasn't 8,000 RPM....
I've studied this video a dozen times. From my experience, I'd have to say it's

true. I only observed, the best I could see, the tach getting up to about 7,000

R.P.M.'s, but wierder things have happened with straight sixes!

The R.P.M. range versus shift points, etc... looked believeable to me.

(It was consistent both times on his turn-around and drive back video, or whatever

you'd call that comparison I just made).

If this guy's fakin' it, he needs to get a job in movie special effects or something

like that!


Reading through some of the Street Fire comments, he had another video, that was probably pretty vague and probably just showed some guy in a truck going too fast on open roads, and he made some big claims...this video is to try to clear up some of those claims.

Of course, I can take a video in my truck and claim whatever I want, but without some dyno numbers or track times, it's all just hogwash to those on Street Fire.

I'm a bit weary of some of his claims myself. Eight-thousand RPM? Four-hundred wheel horsepower? Eh...I'm not so sure. Sure, it's probably possible, but I don't think that particular truck is doing that. Sure, the 30-80 mph pull took 'only' 8-seconds, but a brand new Volvo S80 can do 30-70 in about 7.5 seconds...and it only claims 311 HP, at the flywheel. Who knows, the claims may be 100% true, but the numbers just don't really seem to mesh-up.
At 26 seconds into it he hits some switch that turns on something that sounds like an air compressor... and does not mention what it is. ?????

ALSO he says 1500 till closed loop, WRONG.......

ALSO he flat punches it the second time and gets only a squeal from the tires....

Sorry, I no believe him till I see some vid or other proof of the other stuff, thats all...

BUT I will say if the speedo is correct he did take off nice and fast...

Todd Z
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Yeah....I'm another 'Q' because I don't believe some guy making some pretty big claims...

It's a 4.0, SOHC. There isn't a 3.0 SOHC that I'm aware of, and certainly not in the Ranger. Hell, the Ranger only gets a pushrod 3.0, not the DOHC from the Escape, et al.

Lol, The only problem I have with your statement Tiger is the spray can.That kinda looks like my dash.hahahahaha _Ron
He probably added up all the mod claims and came up with 400.... LOL....

Todd Z
I find the 400hp claim a bit off, too. I can squeal my tires like that, with half the claimed HP in a heavier vehicle... He definitely has some stuff done.

That buzzing wouldn't be a pump for methanol injection, would it? That would allow for higher boost, but I still don't think it'd be enough for 400hp (nice round number, too)
Alright, I'll believe there's probably some forged internals in there as well. You don't take the motor out for the S/C install or nitrous install...

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From the Site, "We specialize in Ford cars and trucks ranging from mustangs including all V6 and V8's(cobra, mach 1), Explorers, Sport Tracs, Rangers,and the F150(lightning, HD)."

Almost tempted to call bout the ST and see what they say.
