IBM Turned Down...

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Sep 25, 2005
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Houston, TX
I went on Web Search and found a long list of TV and magazine results confirming this

Down...Who do we have in the White House?

UNBELIEVABLE ! For you to decide

IBM offered to help reduce Medicare fraud for free...

The offer is true. Zukermann, US News and World Report, owner, a Democrat was interviewed on Fox and confirmed it. IBM has confirmed it. You won't believe it .

IBM offered to help reduce Medicare fraud for free...

What if I told you that the Chairman and CEO of IBM, Samuel J. Palmisano, approached President Obama and members of his administration before the healthcare bill debates with a plan that would reduce healthcare expenditures by $900 billion? Given the Obama Administration's adamancy that the United States of America simply had to make healthcare (read: health insurance) affordable for even the most dedicated welfare recipient, one would think he would have leaned forward in his chair, cupped his ear and said, "Tell me more!"

And what if I told you that the cost to the federal government for this program was nothing, zip, nada, zilch?

And, what if I told you that, in the end and after two meetings, President Obama and his team, instead of embracing a program that was proven to save money and one that was projected to save almost one trillion dollars - a private sector program costing the taxpayers nothing, zip, nada, zilch - said, "Thanks but no thanks" and then embarked on passing one of the most despised pieces of legislation in US history?

Well, it's all true.

Samuel J. Palmisano, the Chairman of the Board and CEO for IBM, said in a recent Wall Street Journalinterview that he offered to provide the Obama Administration with a program that would curb healthcare claims fraud and abuse by almost one trillion dollars but the Obama White House turned the offer down.

Mr. Palmisano is quoted as saying during a taping

of The Wall Street Journal's Viewpoints program on September 14, 2010:

"We could have improved the quality and reduced the cost of the healthcare system by $900 billion...I said we would do it for free to prove that it works. They turned us down."

A second meeting between Mr. Palmisano and the Obama Administration took place two weeks later, with no change in the Obama Administration's stance. A call placed to IBM on October 8, 2010, by FOX News confirmed, via a spokesperson, that Mr. Palmisano stands by his statement.

Speaking with FOX News' Stuart Varney, Mort Zuckerman, Editor-in-Chief of US News & World Report, said,

"It's a little bit puzzling because I think there is a huge amount of both fraud and inefficiency that American business is a lot more comfortable with and more effective in trying to reduce. And this is certainly true because the IBM people have studied this very carefully. And when Palmisano went to the White House and made that proposal, it was based upon a lot of work and it was not accepted. And it's really puzzling...These are very, very responsible people and don't have a political ax to grind.

In Mr. Obama's shunning of a private sector program that would have saved our country almost $1 trillion in healthcare expenditures, presented to him as he declared a "crisis in healthcare," he proves two things beyond any doubt: that he is anti-Capitalist and anti-private sector in nature and that he can no longer be trusted to tell the truth in both his political declarations or espoused goals.


JD Boxes,

Thanks for exposing this hoax. Snopes really did their homework on this one.

Again, more Obama bashing based on half truths and out right lies.

I want Obama out of office because of what he has done to the deficit and not done about the economy and jobs.

This thread clearly shows how these kinds of lies and hatchet jobs can blow up in peoples faces...I am beginning to wonder if the economy and job situation was not trumped up by the anti-Obama forces?? When people start so much of this crap, eventually people stop believing everything they see in the media.

That's why I don't like people bashing Obama about his birth certificate, or that he is a muslim, or many of the other absurd things that are published about him. By all means, criticize him for his political postition on the issues, but don't make up lies or believe all the lies you hear about him just because you don't like him.

People here often talk about the American Voter as being is too smart to fall for these lies...I think there is a total disconnect of the voter, and the anti-Obama forces know that most voters will not attempt to find out what is the truth and what is a lie. Then we wonder why we get A-holes elected to some of our highest's because they were elected by a-holes.

I am beginning to wonder if the economy and job situation was not trumped up by the anti-Obama forces??

With his own numbers >9% and many others reporting well into double digits, I highly doubt the conspiracy. As far as the economy, just look around, it sucks.

You missed the point of my tongue in cheek remark, in that people who oppose Obama may feel that everything said about Obama is a pack of lies....Consider that many people feel that Obama inherited the current economic and unemployment situation from Bush?

My point was that the American voter often lacks a lot of the sophistication to know what is true and what is a lie....But if they constantly find these stories to be false, there may be a voter backlash because they will beleive Conservatives are a bunch of liars.

We find the live interviews with Samuel J. Palmisano interesting. We urge everyone interested, to listen to them. Sounds like, (to us), that most of the 900 million dollars was savings from just getting "private sector coverage". Snoops says that it is only 150 million dollars worth of saving in fraud. Hardly anything a unsophisticated American voters should be concerned with. Unsophisticated individuals need not listen to interviews, just reading others thoughts is OK.

Disclaimer: Nothing is this post should be attributed to the poster (Redfish). The above post is solely propaganda by the "American Society of Unsophisticated Voters"
So snopes revealed half truths. I question why no one pays attention to the thruthful half. Washington as usual. We let it happen, dont we. Incumbents need to go. JMO.

It's hard to pay attention to the half that is truthful if you don't know which half is a pack of lies? :grin:

I do agree that we need to get all of the incumbents out of Washington and start with a fresh clean slate. Perhaps that alone will send the message to Washington that we are tired of this stupid petty bickering, and time to compromise and resolve the issues the face America. If we eliminate the possiblility of reelection, we remove the major distraction to getting the job done.

Conservatives are cleaning their party with fresh, new faces. Still a ways to go, though.

Now, if we could get the liberals to do the same on their side...

Maybe we can get a Congress that represents the values of the citizenry.

I agree that the conservatives are doing a house cleaning, however most of this crap comes from "freelance" conservitives, or other private anti-Obama groups. These groups think they are helping the conservative cause when I think they may be hurting it

Remember that Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh were once the voice of conservatism, but now I think the Republican party want's to distance themselves from those who is that radical.

These groups think they are helping the conservative cause when I think they may be hurting it

Or the groups are pretending to be conservatives in order to surreptitiously hurt the conservative cause.

I'm sure you all have heard the new rumor that Donald Trump's grandstanding bid for the presidency was a front to give the Obama administration the perfect excuse to release the "full-form" birth certificate, a rumor citing mainly Trump's past democrat alliances as corroborating evidence. (As well as the convenient timing of Trump bailing out of the race soon after the certificate went public. Not quite as sketchy or obviously corrupt as the former FCC boss becoming a lobbyist for Comcast after approving their merger.)

Regardless of the truth to the rumor, Trump did give Obama a great excuse to release the certificate, and the certificate seems to have largely killed the "birther" issue. Even seemingly fervent conservatives on this board are no longer considering the spurious birth locale an issue.

I actually heard a report that Trump is now considering getting back in the Presidential race?

He said that Obama flip-flops and was too indecisive...:bwahaha:

Trump's personality and image are far more important to him. He would never consider making himself look like an A-hole to benefit Obama...or anybody else for that matter.


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