I'm Not Chocolate

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If some white mayor had said that he wanted a whole white city, it would be blasted on every network and they'd be asking for his resignation. What's wrong here?

It was blasted on every network and they are asking for his resignation !!!

I live in New Orleans and I am white ....I don't mind a Chocolate City , I just don't want the nuts ..LOL
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He might have apologized but his real feelings slipped out. Racist. Part of the "Klan With A Tan", as Walter Williams calls it. (And even I have to point out that Walter Williams said it so people don't think I'm a racist.)

Other great African-American quotes: "Can't we all just get along?"--Rodney King
i like white chocolate:lol: Cajun you are correct. every one thought the city was a bad place to be after the storm ha it was the safest now that all the rotten chocolate is coming back the shooting have begun. You cant change an ignorant animal (this does not apply to all just the bad folks)
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Ray managed to insult everyone w/ that speech …….can you say “Political Suicide “

It won't hurt him. The people that voted him into office in the first place don't have the education to know any better.
Has anyone heard the actual audio? He sounds like a down home tent preacher, not the college educated, Republican cable executive that he was before he entered politics. He managed cable tv nets in the area (I believe for COx) and coworkers said he never used the ebonics at work. I have heard him say "We aint got no..." and "I ain't got no".

Ray is freaking because his constituents have all moved to Houston, Atlanta and points beyond.

Nelson - little known fact, analysis of addresses and races of dead folks in NOLA show that dead folks were as likely to bve affluent white folks as poor blacks.

Here is the link - http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-bodies18dec18,0,7754290.story?coll=la-home-headlines

I heard someone say, the only recist things are "Miss Black America", "The United ***** College Fund", and "Black Entertainment Television".

If there was a Miss White America, that would be racist. White Entertainment Television. They must be the KKK and hate black people. United Caucasion College Fund.

Get real. All Ray Nagan is doing is causing walls to go up. Last time I checked, we are one race...the human race.


Isn't it wonderful that we don't know that? I mean, some here might no like someone that is a black. Here they talk and get along. No color is being seen. We knw people on the inside, not the outside.


Tom is right on with these!

Skin color doesn't matter. We can tell who the ******** and idiots are, however! :lol:
To answer Q's earlier question I am black, and have been a member for some time now. Firstly I would like to say that the mayor of New Orleans only speaks for himself, he does not speak for me. I consider myself American first, as I have not spent the last 15 years of my life defending a chocolate America. Secondly I am a proud African-American (and yes I have been to Africa, unfortunately it was for military deployments). Alot of things (***** College Funds, BET, etc) were created to help offset the obvious tilt towards celebrating only the "white" American viewpoint. Black history month, as does American Indian Month, Asian-Pacific month, etc gives people a chance to learn diffrent cultures. If you have taken American History, you know they don't focus on people of color with equal vigor. I'm pretty sad to see some of the comments made on this thread "Maybe black people don't like trucks or websites like these". There are quite a few black members, but maybe this is why you don't see them at National Meets. Because usually here we are all treated as brothers and sisters.
I'm a English-Scottish-Irish-Russian-Native American but usually just refer to myself as a "Mutt". Many Americans are not chocolate, but would instead be Neopolitan. :D

National American Indian Heritage Month is the correct term for what is celebrated in November...
African-American is definitely a misnomer. A white American citizen from Kenya is not referred to as an African-American. Is it therefore used to describe color as opposed to original national heritage? Africa is a continent, not a country. Egyptians are from Africa and yet not called African-Americans when in this country. I personally think it a poor description. If genetic research is correct, then we are all African-Americans.

This comment is not to start something, it is just an observation that baffles me because it is another attempt at Political Correctness.
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Very true, Mike C. To continue...how many of us are from the Caucasus Mountains of Russia? That is where the term "Caucasian" comes from.

Perhaps Nagin is onto something afterall. Maybe the new terms for the racial groups of the US should be Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry and Neopolitan. At least it is more accurate than the current PC terms we use.

Oops -- I forgot lemon. :)
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Well Said Big$ed32.... I was always looking for an answer to why Black history month and other cultural things and your answer was great

Alot of things (***** College Funds, BET, etc) were created to help offset the obvious tilt towards celebrating only the "white" American viewpoint.
Anyone who missed that please read it again. All through high schoool I had somewhat of an inferiority complex and now that I am older i can see why... I am Puerto Rican and Native American, however my mom married a black man when i was very young, so I know what people of color deal with, and it is not equality.

Ray Nagin is an ass!!! Embarrassed me and alot of other black folks, however he is an angry man for the very reasons we spoke of in this forum after the hurrican. I seems the New Orleans black population is being excluded from the serious rebuilding of that city. I knew it was going to happen and so did many of you. And now just like I said before we are gonna sit back and say "ahhhh the black man is always complaining" blah blah blah..... And if Jessie jackson or someone goes down there you will all be saying "why is he there?" Instead of looking at the crap that is obviously going on...

Also many here will sit back put on tgier blinders and try and focus on the terrible grammer I use instead of looking at the real reasons behind ray Nagins words...

How do you all feel about what is happening down there. Am I wrong?:angry:
joseymack, there is no doubt that the blackman has been subjugated in American history. So has the red man. Having said that, isolating oneself from mainstream America is not the answer. Black history month, Black caucus, etc. does nothing but prevent the merging of the cultures. Much of the perceived negative feeling toward blacks has nothing to do about color, but mostly due to uneducated poor (usually inner city) individuals. The same goes for whites and Latinos (another PC concocted word).

It should be American History month which includes all races. The blacks should be fighting to be included in the culture, not to be excluded from it. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, etc. are not helping the black cause. In fact they are hurting it in my opinion. There are many black individuals that can serve as role models. These individuals are not them.

I think back to college...

-Society of Women Engineers

-Society of Black Engineers

-Society of Hispanic Engineers

-Hispanic Fraternity

-Black Fraternity

And the list goes on...

A group tried to start a White Male Engineers Society. Needless to say, the Student Council and the Administration rejected the application to become an official organization. Why?

Me personally, I could care less who or what everyone here is. I go to a church that is 60/40 black/white. My assistant pastor is a white man married to a black woman. They are one of three mixed couples in the church of 250 people. Several of the couples my wife and I associate with are black.

They are all proud of their herritage, that is proud of the "African" portion of their family history. But, they all consider themselves Christians first, American's second and the rest doesn't matter. I am the same way. A good portion of my family came froem either Germany or Ireland in the 1860's, and my grandmoter came here in 1930's. I am an American. I am not a German American. I am not a Irish American.

The Irish were treated extremely harshly in the US back in the late 1800's, early 1900's (especially in places like New York). My relatives were hated, abused, treated as second class, etc yet I am not out demanding retribution, recourse, or any kind of payment for the historical abuses that have been played out on "my people".

The biggest racist out there today is Jesse Jackson. The second biggest is Mfume and followed by Sharpton, Schumer, Klinton, Nagin, Harry Belefonte, Kanye West, et al. You don't see GWB using the "plantation" term. You don't see Condi Rice speaking like a street thug. You don't see Clairance Thomas speaking of the "crackers" he has to work with. You don't see Colin Powell talking about how "the man" has kept him down.

If the black community wants to eliminate "racism", get rid of these talking heads as your spokespeople and get someone in with common sence.

It's hard to take someone seriously when they make the comments that are being made today.