ipod woes

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Jason R

Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
Kearney, MO
Hi to all who read this. I just bought a new computer and want to move all my ipod files to the new lap top. I know all i need to do is burn all my songs on cd and move them to the new cpu. But what about all the videos and shows? they do not burn on cd.... any ideas?
I take it you do not have a dvd burner on your old computer. Cd's just don't have the space you need for video files. How about a network card? If you get a parallel cable you can network the 2 computers together and transfer files. I've done that a few times. Here's an article explaining how it's done. The other easy option is to get an external hard drive that connects to the usb port.
What kind of computer did you buy? Windows or Mac?

If it is a Mac, you can hook the two computers together via firewire and insert the OSX setup disk in your new computer. It will prompt you for some info and automatically copy all your mp3s, docs, setting, bookmarks and anything else in your user directory to the new computer.

If you're using windows, it's not quite that simple, but still doable. Go into iTunes and find the location you store the files (under preferences), browse to that directory in explorer and you should then be able to copy them using one of the methods people listed above.

Your Ipod should show up as a hard drive on your system. You can just copy the files onto the ipod, just like it is a hard drive. Should show up in your windows explorer.

There is also software out there that will let you copy your files of off your ipod into Itunes. Just search the web.

Hope that helps. Darin D.
you dont need a program all you have to do is go into folder options and view hidden files and all the musice files will show up..... then you copy them from you ipod to your harddrive. thats what i do.