Iran invades Iraq: U.S. bombs fall on Tehran

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Wow, Mud Flap.

You are saying that some are justifying the war in Iraq by the number of military men and women killed in the war in Iraq.

NO, TJR.. you read way too deap into my post.


I quote myself:

I agree, but remember: it's all a matter of opinion. I am sure people can think of 3093 reasons why we're over there.

I (thats me) do not reference myself with the word "people."


I am sure people can think of 3093 reasons why we're over there.

Was an exageration of how people can just keep making excuses.

Thank you.
I believe what he means is if we just pulled out now those 3093 lives would have been lost for nothing which is exactly what happened to us in Nam. I'm in complete agreement with that.
Mud Flap, I read your post.

You seem to think I didn't because you went on to make the point that you were talking about what other people, not you might be saying and feeling.

Please note that I did read it. You will see that in my post I used the word "SOME", as in " are saying that SOME..."

I recognized that you were not taking about your specific thoughts but the way many people feel. But as stated, even if talking about how other people feel, then it is illogical. Not your illogic, but the illogic of the other people.

Likewise, even as TomT says, if some "people" think that it would somehow "dishonor" the service people that have already died, or make their deaths somehow meaningless, again, I say that is illogical.

If a war becomes the "wrong war" (not necessarily saying this one is), but if it does, then seeing it to through might very well mean more deaths for no real gain.

We should not continue to fight for the soul reason to not dishonor the memory of those that have died. That is NOT a good enough reason.

Which brings us to the question...what is the best, possible situation for us to declare victory, what will that look like, where will that leave us, the Iraqis, and the Middle east, and what will it cost in US lives?

There has to be a reason for the deaths, and so far that reason is some rhetoric about "winning the war on terror", and "not pulling out as it would dishonor those that have died!"....I'm asking the tough question....

What does real victory in this war look like and what will it cost?

TomT, I'd be happy if our leaders could simply answer the first part of the question:

"What does real victory in this war look like?"

I still don't have a clear vision of that, and I don't think they do either. How can you win a war like that?
How about this: Total annihilation of Iraqis (they're going to eventually kill themselves anyway because of there f*cked up religion), we give Iraq to the Jews, then give Israel back to the Palestine's. Now everyones happy right? :rolleyes:
I cannot believe people here want to drop the Nukes.... I just hope you are not the same folks yelling Kim Jong Foo or whatever his name is, is crazy... You are part of the reason why these countries want to obtain WMD. The same kill them all attitude you claim these people have are no different than the views you spew... I do think we need to protect ourselves with these weapons but to use them in this situation would be wrong.... War is hell yea true but mass murder on this scale is a whole different ballgame
