LOL's on you guys. I'm new to trucks, but am used to driving Mustangs. Please, stop crying rivers over your piss-poor city driving MPG. My old girl got way worse than anything you can come up with in town. She was okay on the highway, but not great (and required, minimum, 91, really wanted 93+).
My '08 ST V8 4X4 is getting 15.1 combined mileage, and that's about what I expected from it. It's still a very heavy vehicle, with a V8, and 4x4. WTF are you people expecting?!

If you don't have 4x4 or AWD, and don't have a V8, maybe you're expecting a little more. Guess what: I don't think you're going to get it. It still weighs two tons, and takes a bit of dino-juice to move it around. If you have the v-6, you might get better on the highway, but less efficient in town. It takes a good bit to move one of these pigs.

YMMV as they say, but it's a 4K-pound+ vehicle. It'd going to take a bit to get her moving.
I like the way my 4.6, 3-valve gets it moving (same motor my '06GT Mustang had, and I put a Kenne Bell SC on that one), and I hope to be able to do something similar to this truck. But I'm NOT worrying about MPG, if I'm driving a truck. And even if I'm worried about truck MPG, 15+ average seems to be what they're getting, right?