Regarding healthcare...
I can't wait until one day soon the (partially) employer-sponsored healthcare premiums that are part of my overall compensation are taxed. The idea of this tax is to help pay for programs that provide health care to those that for whatever reason don’t have healthcare today.
Yeah, like I said, I can't wait.
I sacrificed to put myself through college while my high school buddies took jobs, started their families; bought the nice new cars and other cool toys. Instead, I put my life on hold for 4 years, scrimped, and saved; worked full-time in the summers and part-time all through the school year, living like a pauper.
But I did it so I would get the good job, with the good benefits. Now, I am living that dream. But it seems I make too much money to get any real deductibles (higher education, personal exemptions, etc…all gone), and now, for all this hard work, I get to pay MORE taxes for those that seem to get all the breaks.
Yeah, I can't wait.
Our government continues to “steal from the rich†to “give to the poorâ€â€¦as if the rich were evil and the poor were there through no fault of their own.