It is official, Hillery is running for President...

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I honestly think the only reason GW was re-elected was because he pulled the "Jesus card". If Kerry would have said he thinks homosexuality is vile, Kerry would have become president.

Kerry lost because he was a spoiled rich lawyer from Boston that nobody outside of the northeast would vote for. Hell, the only reason he got as many votes as he did was because people hated Bush so much, not because anyone thought Kerry was worth a crap.
I actually have nothing against a woman president. The problem I would see with it is other countries. They don't respect women. How would she be able to get taken seriously by countries such as Saudi Arabia, and the like?

I do have to say that if it was any other woman except Hillary, I would consider voting. With the mockery her hubby made of the office, it's hard to see me respecting her. Least we forget about "Whitewater"? I know it's a can of worms, but they got away with one there.

Plus, what about that time of the month? (or is she past that into the "hot flash" phase?) She'd have to much power in her hands. (just kidding all):D;)
I honestly think the only reason GW was re-elected was because he pulled the "Jesus card". If Kerry would have said he thinks homosexuality is vile, Kerry would have become president.

Nah, al-qaeda steered that election by saying we shouldn't vote Bush in. You had a bunch of "Osama Bin Laden isn't going to tell me how to vote" attitudes, and naturally Osama got his way, Bush was re-elected, which is what he really wanted. Whoever al-qaeda endorses is a sure fire loss.

The problem I would see with it is other countries. They don't respect women. How would she be able to get taken seriously by countries such as Saudi Arabia, and the like?

Last I checked, we're not them, and they're gonna need to get over it.

I do have to say that if it was any other woman except Hillary, I would consider voting. With the mockery her hubby made of the office, it's hard to see me respecting her. Least we forget about "Whitewater"? I know it's a can of worms, but they got away with one there.

Okay, call it what it is, not a mockery of the presidential office, a BJ. A husband got caught getting a BJ from not his wife. That mockery was a guy saying "oh $h!t, I'm screwed on this one" just like Bush does when he's confronted on an issue.

Whitewater? How about watergate, the numerous high level republican scandals in the past couple of years, anything Halliburton was ever associated with, Mark Foley, and the entire Bush administration. That's a mockery. I'm tired of hearing "Oh, Bill disgraced our country." Step up and look closer at the other side of the house.
Sadly I have little time to read these days, something I'm aggresively trying to change. Hitman has been on my list for a while. I'll stick Palast on there, hadn't heard of him, but that latest book sounds interesting.
I read it shortly after it came out. Really interesting read.

I recomend going to the library and getting the books on CD. It is nice to listen to books when you don't have time to actually read them.


I honestly think the only reason GW was re-elected was because he pulled the "Jesus card". If Kerry would have said he thinks homosexuality is vile, Kerry would have become president.

Please explain. Jesus loves all people, including homosexuals, right?

Personally, I don't know why people try to make some sins worse than others... If it is sin, it is all bad in the eyes of the Lord. All of us are sinners, so why even bring this up? (not picking on you, Tom. Just asking a rhetorical question about society/politics.)
Maybe we will get some of our freedoms back.

Only if those freedoms include anything Socialism. Remember Hillarycare? Social medicine=BAD. Just ask:

Canada, Sweeden, England, France and Cuba.... remember Castro had doctors come from SPAIN to give him medical attention. Bodes real well doesn't it?

"So Let's Talk", right. The only talking that will be done is by her and if you don't like her, the IRS will be all up in your stuff if she becomes president.

She has a "$hi# list". She doesn't get over anything. Revenge is not a tactic, it's a way of life for the Clintons. Jennifer Flowers et. al. sure found that one out. Obama is now getting a taste.

She is to politics what Tonya Harding was to knee caps.
It's funny how some people are motivated by and motivate others through fear. It's an unempowering, self-cheapening tactic. The whole "maybe we'll get our freedoms back" thing is chicken little crap at it's best. The only freedoms I have lost under Bush were the ones the terrorists took away on 9-11, and they are mostly in form of lost conveniences, like "arriving 30 minutes before my flight at the airport", or "being able to carry water on the plane", etc. Lost freedoms...right!
Just a little advice for everyone;

You cant argue with idiots, they drag you down to their level, and then beat you with experience.;)
Only if those freedoms include anything Socialism. Remember Hillarycare? Social medicine=BAD. Just ask: Canada, Sweeden, England, France and Cuba.... remember Castro had doctors come from SPAIN to give him medical attention. Bodes real well doesn't it?

Depends how you look at it. My mother is from Germany. I have friends in Germany. My grandmother NEVER had a problem with the medical help over there. The doctors took great care of her and she lived to the ripe old age of 96.

Socialism is not a bad thing.

Is it better to have no medical coverage then to have government medical coverage? Where is the logic in that? Not having insurance coverage causes more people to rely on free health care through a hospital.

How? Lets say a diabetic is unable to afford his/her insulin. So he/she goes into the hospital asking for some insulin. Without money, that person will not get any insulin. 3 hrs later, that person goes into sugar shock. He/she gets admitted into the hospital and treated for sugar shock, then will get the insulin shot.

Who pays for that person? We do! It is absorbed directly into the cost of operation that must be covered by the price you pay for services rendered. This causes the overall costs to rise causing our medical benefits to raise.

"So Let's Talk", right. The only talking that will be done is by her and if you don't like her, the IRS will be all up in your stuff if she becomes president.

Were things really that bad when Bill Clinton was president? Did we have domestic spying during the time Clinton was president? Did we have elections that look exactly like they were fixed for the outcome to support the republican party?

Nope! I can not honestly say we are better today then we were 7 years ago. The majority of America agrees with me. The approval ratings confirms it.

Regarding healthcare...

I can't wait until one day soon the (partially) employer-sponsored healthcare premiums that are part of my overall compensation are taxed. The idea of this tax is to help pay for programs that provide health care to those that for whatever reason don’t have healthcare today.

Yeah, like I said, I can't wait.

I sacrificed to put myself through college while my high school buddies took jobs, started their families; bought the nice new cars and other cool toys. Instead, I put my life on hold for 4 years, scrimped, and saved; worked full-time in the summers and part-time all through the school year, living like a pauper.

But I did it so I would get the good job, with the good benefits. Now, I am living that dream. But it seems I make too much money to get any real deductibles (higher education, personal exemptions, etc…all gone), and now, for all this hard work, I get to pay MORE taxes for those that seem to get all the breaks.

Yeah, I can't wait.

Our government continues to “steal from the rich” to “give to the poor”…as if the rich were evil and the poor were there through no fault of their own.

Actually, I thought that spying program was active under Clinton; no?

As for elections that "looked fixed", no, we didn't have them because Clinton won by big margins both times.

But "looks" aren't what it is all about. Heck, even Clinton knew that (insert Monica joke).

The Bush elections were not fixed. Several lengthy attempts at showing they were came up with NOTHING. Why must losers always whine?
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As for elections that "looked fixed", no, we didn't have them because Clinton won by big margins both times.

Isn't that ironic that so many people voted for Clinton, but everyone acts like he was bad for America. At the same time, Bush barely wins, and in come cases, does not get the majority vote, yet they act like Bush is good for America.

Sounds like the majority know the truth.

Actually, I thought that spying program was active under Clinton; no?

From what I have read, domestic spying was initiated under the Bush administration.

Caymen, no what is ironic is when you take your opinions and portray them as the actual sentiment of "everyone", then follow it up with a statement about "the truth."

It's all rhetoric, bias and opinion.


I have done plenty of reading on the subject from many different sources. When I used the word "the truth" in this statement...

Sounds like the majority know the truth.

was not meant to be me saying they know "the truth", but simply saying they believe differently then what we are lead to believe, or are told.

You ask a die hard Republican what good the current administration has done for America they could spend all day long telling all about it. Ask a die hard Democrat what the current administration has done bad for America, they can do the same thing.

The things I prefer to look at is the overall voting of America. The people vote with what works best for everyone. Not the select few.

Caymen, thanks for clearing that up.

I don't think that "everyone" acts like Clinton was bad for America; and I do not think that "they" act like Bush is good for America.

I, personally, and honestly think that for the past 4 elections the better candidate has won, and we can only hope that most people that are voting are voting because they think their choice is the one that is better for our country.

I believe that. I really do. I don't think I am in a minority either, but I could be wrong.

What does it mean? It means that both sides (but mostly the Democrats the last two elections) have fielded some REALLY, REALLY *LAME* candidates.

And it looks like the next election is going to be more of the lame...., er same.

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have fielded some REALLY, REALLY *LAME* candidates.

Yea, you are right about that.

I just don't feel that Hillary Clinton is that bad of a candidate for president.

TJR said

The things I prefer to look at is the overall voting of America. The people vote with what works best for everyone. Not the select few.

So if they vote Hillary will all you Freedom Fighting Rightwinger know it all, holier than thou's shut up and live with it? Or are we going to be subjected to all the talk radio loudmouths trying to undermine anything she may or may not do.... Hypocrits!

I got a degree and I work and pay premiums up the ying yang too, but I also see people

like my inlaws who worked hard all thier lives and can barley pay for these outrageous subscriptions because the pharmacudicals (sp?) are raping us all every year with double digit inflation which defies anything else in the country outside of oil... What's up with that?

under the Bush administration nothing has changed that affects me in terms of moeny or tax breaks outside of the 300 bucks i get for a child.... that went right with the increase in health care premiums, I pay more now for things than ever, including fee hikes on everything ... As a world power we should provide medical coverage to all Americans...

AMERICANS that is!!


Caymen said:
I just don't feel that Hillary Clinton is that bad of a candidate for president.

She is just awful.

A junior, carpet-bagger senator makes only a marginally better candidate for president then your local PTA president.

Where have all our leaders gone?

And when did we become satisified with candiates that are "not that bad". "Not that bad" should be criteria for the girl you take home from the bar at closing hour. It should not be the benchmark for someone who might run our country for 4 years.


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