It is official, Hillery is running for President...

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My first trip to NYC was to visit an old girlfriend. I really enjoyed the city but hated the traffic and the bastards that broke into my car and stole some stuff out of my trunk. I really disliked NYC for many years after that and then I wasn't all the people in NY that was just a few. I had gone to NYC not knowing a thing about being in a city. I now know that NYC is not a place I ever want to drive. With that being didn't sound like you knew a lot of Pennsylvania when you ran into that visitor center person. maybe she ran over her cat that morning...maybe you reminded her of her ex-lover...maybe she's just a miserable person. The point're not being rationale. If I took the same approach that you're taking with the state of Pennsylvania...they I could say that all Sport Trac people from New York are irrational thinking and simple minded individuals. I think there's plenty of proof that contradicts that point.

And...while you're comments about the rubber and glue made me some point the glue with dry out and be useless.:p
Does not matter, it does not matter at all. Later that day, I had a bad cup of coffee in Scrotum, I mean Scott Run. The state sucks.

I can, I can so be irrational because that is the example that has been set for me by the rest of this country. That is my right. You all generalize, so can I, how dare you infringe on my freedoms to stereotype and group all of you into a whole based on the actions of a few. Come to think of it, I will vote Democrat because nothing good can come from a Republican.

I won't vote for Rudy Giuliani since he cheated on his wife, divorced her, and moved his mistress into Gracie Mansion, I won't vote for the guy from PA where another plane hit since we know my feelings on PA. I'm going to vote for Anthony Allen "Tony" Williams, a.k.a. america's other mayor, mayor of Washington D.C. where a plane hit on 9/11.
You are absolutely correct. You have the right to a lot of things. You can say or do as you choose. We all have that right. So...posting you're little ha ha...I'm taking my ball home post means nothing. I apologize for trying to have a conversation with you.

Scrotum, I mean Scott very clever. A little play on words and spelling. And you were knocking the NY education system. Blame the country, blame anyone you want...but I'm done with you. The entire state of NY sucks. :lol::pYou can all thank Nobleman. Responding to your posts are futile.
Never been to NYC but have been to Pa. Wasn't impressed with Philadelphia but Hershey's and the Amish country was beautiful.

Don't get me started on NJ. Went to Atlantic City and it was very disappointing. The Boardwalk was okay but man if you get a couple of blocks away then look out. I think I will stick to Vegas.
Nobleman, damn, someone really crapped in your Wheatees. It's absolutely amazing to read you hammering on the state I have lived in since I was 5 years old. (36 now) I have been to New York and other places and yes, I'm still here is Pa. You are going to judge a state by going to Philidelphia? I'm sorry, you went to the wrong area. I live in the western part of the state. To me, there is no other place for me. If you took the time and went to Harrisburg or Lancaster, you may have a better idea of what Pa is like. I'm not judging NY state by what I saw of NYC. If I did, we'd just be having the same conversation that has already been done here. I could go about saying some things about Oklahoma. Hell, I spent 4 years there when I was in the Army. Nothing like being a Yankee down there. If you ever want to come back to Pa, ask someone on here where to go. We'll give you the sights to see. By the way, I live in Punxsutawney, the home of that Groundhog that makes everyone so happy on Feb 2nd. I'm actually only 1/2 mile from the area it takes place. You're more than welcome to freeze your a** off with the other "out-of-towners" that seem to love this area.:D;)

As for if Hillary actually makes the nomination for Dem. party, looks like I'll be going Rep. again.;)
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Oy. :wacko:

Read all the posts, they all lead up to and end up being a senseless ramble about nothing, with generalizations about a state based on a few people and a bad cup of coffee. Much like the generalizations NY'ers have put up with for years from every other part of the country. Much like the generalizations earlier on this page, and from just about every political post I have ever read on this site bashing pubs vs dems.

I get tired of reading this senseless crap, but it is a great view into this country across a slice of the population. It explains why we're in the state we're in...

the Dems are really hard up for candidates, a muslim & a dyke.......

I don't know, but I think Rudy Guiliani may do well.


I am voting for who ever runs agains her.

That's why. I had a problem with anybody but Bush also, sad when you'll take anyone over someone, they could be worse.

Well Hilly has already proven that most new yorkers are not very smart(they voted for someone who had nothing to do with thier state),I just hope the rest of the U.S.A. is smarter and will leave her and Obama out in the cold!!! U.S. is in a bad shape with out these golddiggers!!

And a president is specific to every state I guess. Let's hope Massachusetts doesn't get a chance to run Ted Kennedy.

Yeah, Hillary and Obama suck

You know, I think Bush was making gay marriage an issue for his insurance company buds. If it were up to them, they wouldn't cover your wife on your policy.

That's it, I'm hiding my guns! Rational thinking people would never vote for her. Unfortunately, not very many of them live in big cities, they know better... Rudy would get my vote.

Rationalize. Why would Rudy get your vote?

I get tired of reading this senseless crap, but it is a great view into this country across a slice of the population. It explains why we're in the state we're in.

Then why don't you skip over the "senseless crap" post instead of adding your pointless crap also?

What a hypocrite.
Personally, I think Hillary would be a good choice in office. Something different then what we had before. It could be good for the American people.

We couldn't do any worse then what we have in office now.

Maybe we will get some of our freedoms back.

Caymen said:
Personally, I think Hillary would be a good choice in office. Something different then what we had before. It could be good for the American people.

How can you say that?

She already had the office and ran the country for 8 years. You don't really think Bill Clinton was the actual president do you?

Clinton impresses me as the kind of guy that had he NOT met Hillary in college, and been propped up and lead by her ambitions, he would today be a fat, bloated, insurance salesman and manager somewhere in some small town, fighting endless sexual harrasment lawsuits in the office he works at.


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Your theories on presidents does not make it accurate, Caymen may be right that change

may be good for the US not matter who it may be. Obahma & Hillery can't be much worse then Old Georgy!

It's funny because of Obahma lack of experience is such a selling point to not elect him,as if prior experience makes the President any better... Politicians are pretty much all shameless,maybe that is why he comes off so good, people may want something new and different for a change instead of politics as usual! Obahma seems genuine, and that's about all I can say of him.... I will wait to hear from all the runners in the Race... I vote across all party lines and I will try and listen for what affects me most and make my decisions from there.... I would not exclude Hillery because some here thinks she's a dike or because she is a woman, I will not vote for Obahma just because he is black nor woould I exclude him because he is a Muslim. I think even if they were the best candidates people will still be too biased to let it happen.


Obama, Hillary...awful candidates! They just are. As were GWB and John Kerry before them. Bill Clinton wasn't bad. Reagan, quite good, etc.

We have LOST the ability for true leaders, leaders of common men, from common men, to rise up and run this country.

Instead, today, its all about the political machines, the lobbyists, the special interests, the sound-byte and the type of groups that get career politicians elected.

Obama is a career politician, the only difference with him is that his career has been shorter than most.

You talk about this country needing change? Yeah, I agree. We need to vote them all out!

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I think even if they were the best candidates people will still be too biased to let it happen.

I think you are right about that. People will vote against someone because of color, religion, sex, and where they are from.

Give me a break!

Hillary is a very smart person and I honestly think she could do a good job as president. It wouldn't surprise me if she would end up being considered as one of the greatest of all time.

This country needs to go in a new direction. The republicans have made such a mockery with security it isn't funny. Sure there are some good things GW did, but the good are, IMO, outweighed by the bad decisions he has made and the arrogance behind his decisions.

You may call me a hypocrite, but I am not one that says he cares about the country and then dismisses candidates before even hearing what they have to say.

If she ran the country for 8 years under cover of Bill, then she did a great job, and she's a candidate with 8 years of prior experience. If the pubs can run a dynamic candidate that can outdo the dem, and is actually in touch with what this nation needs, then I'll vote republican. Haven't seen one recently though.

There is a post on this thread that sums it up very well, along the lines of it's scary to think that some of you vote. Sadly, that is the design of our nation, if the majority is stupid, we'll fail, if the majority wakes up, we'll succeed.

This is why there are term limits, you find the person that has a good platform, elect them, and vote them out in 4 years if they haven't made any progress. The elect at 8 years shouldn't undo everything the previous administration did unless they can prove it is truly flawed. Maybe they should improve and move forward rather than try to satiate everyone after your team gets voted out, after 6 years of "my way or the highway".

I can't see public trust for the republicans after the past 6. I just hope and pray, by whichever religious book, that the next pres leads this nation in the right direction.
There is a post on this thread that sums it up very well, along the lines of it's scary to think that some of you vote.

I honestly think the only reason GW was re-elected was because he pulled the "Jesus card". If Kerry would have said he thinks homosexuality is vile, Kerry would have become president.

A local news station ran a story last night about why Hillary is so polarizing to so many people--they either love her or hate her, with little inbetween. Thought some of you might find it interesting. There's both a text version, and a link to the video version...

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