Dre L
Well-Known Member
I'm rubber and your glue....
You'll wear down and rot away, and I'll keep holding things together? :lol:
I'm rubber and your glue....
You all generalize...
Best quote of the day: Quote:
You all generalize...
Regards, Tom
the Dems are really hard up for candidates, a muslim & a dyke.......
I don't know, but I think Rudy Guiliani may do well.
I am voting for who ever runs agains her.
Well Hilly has already proven that most new yorkers are not very smart(they voted for someone who had nothing to do with thier state),I just hope the rest of the U.S.A. is smarter and will leave her and Obama out in the cold!!! U.S. is in a bad shape with out these golddiggers!!
Yeah, Hillary and Obama suck
That's it, I'm hiding my guns! Rational thinking people would never vote for her. Unfortunately, not very many of them live in big cities, they know better... Rudy would get my vote.
I get tired of reading this senseless crap, but it is a great view into this country across a slice of the population. It explains why we're in the state we're in.
Personally, I think Hillary would be a good choice in office. Something different then what we had before. It could be good for the American people.
I think even if they were the best candidates people will still be too biased to let it happen.
SHe don't give a damn about people! All she cares about is herself and her buddies.
There is a post on this thread that sums it up very well, along the lines of it's scary to think that some of you vote.