It Snowed...

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WXMotorSports DecalsPartsAccs

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2002
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Seattle, WA
I was born and raised in Detroit and also lived 13 years in the Tahoe/Reno area. So, when it snows here in the Seattle area it is no big deal for me and driving in it doesn't phase me. However, it is comical to hear the news channels this morning calling it "Winter Storm Watch" or another channel "Pin Point Storm Watch" when the areas hit the hardest were the hill sides. My drive to work was completely dry and no snow on the roads.

Now some areas did get up-to 14" of snow but that was about 100 miles away from where I live. And, that area always gets snow when a storm comes in.

The news channels were telling people to stay home and not drive this morning only if you have to.

Most of the schools were closed or delayed because of the 1" of snow they received...LOL

Now, I realize for other folks living in this area that the snow was a big deal and I'm glad the cars that spun out of control were written tickets for driving too fast in storm conditions. Yes, you can't drive the speed limit when the road has black ice on it.
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As local as local news gets... LOL

Todd Z
Sounds like the DC area (No. Virginia). Everything closes with the first hint of a snowflake. I grew up in Colorado and I like the snow. Can't wait for our first snow here. Did get to play in the snow in Colo in October though.
we havent stopped snowing in about a week, there is about 2-3 feet in my yard. Today is -37 degrees withthe wind chill (now thats in celsius). Vancouver just got hit by snow and everyone freaks out cause they rarely get it, its also comical to watch.
Yea here in MD they do the same thing. One time they forcasted 6 inches of snow for the afternoon. They canceled school for the whole day before the storm hit. The storm missed us, no school with no snow! :lol:

Haha and everyone freaks out here and cannot drive if there is even a hint of snow. I love driving in the snow and cant wait for our first here! Can't wait to go skiing too. Ive had that itch for the past 3 months.
The day after Thanksgiving I was laying on the roof in a t-shirt and shorts hanging Christmas lights in Kansas. You can keep the snow for a few more weeks. :lol:
We had great weather here in Illinois too, are ahving great weather , for this time of year. Everyone around here is used to driving in the snow but that first one always catches some people asleep.
Last year we got snow on the Texas coast! And yet still nothing where we live 100 miles north of there. Not enough moisture in the air, they said. Frustrating!

It was fun when I was in school in College Station one winter when the temp dropped to 3 deg. F. It had rained the night before, and the wet roads froze right over. It was Sunday morning, and I pulled my 1968 LTD out of the garage to drive to church. I drove past cars in ditches, cars up against light poles, and one guy sitting in the middle of the road with his back tires lazily spinning away as he stood next to his car and looked at it. It took me almost 30 minutes to drive 3 miles, but I made it. That's when I found out I should have turned the radio on, to find out all church services had been cancelled! I made it back home ok, too.

Then my buddies called and wanted to go ice skiing down at the mall! Back out we go...:lol:
Got a forwarded email last year titled "Tips For Yankees Moving South", among them was this gem--"If it snows, stay home. Just because you know how to drive in snow doesn't mean WE do."

I just sort of deal with it. We don't usually get a ton of snow here (Pittsburgh) but it is very hilly. I never had a 4x4 until 1999.
Wow, snow already. It's 65 degrees in Cleveland Ohio....and im just loving it! Just had new tires put on today to get ready for whats in store for this area. And I love this web site. It has help me decide what to buy for my 02 4x2 Black Trac. And remember...."LET IT SNOW , LET IT SNOW...LET IT SNOW................................

Story #1--Many years ago, my college roommate and I were driving back to Milwaukee after spending spring break in Florida. When we got to southern Tennessee, a freak snowstorm had dropped some snow. And the local sheriffs were closing the interstate highways. We got up to the roadblock, and asked the sheriff what was up. "Road's closed because of the storm," he said. How deep? "In places, it's a full inch!", he replied. Are the roads icy? "No." So why are you closing the road? "Are you kidding? With all that snow?" We then asked him to look at our license plate. He saw that we were from Wisconsin--and he actually let us through.

Story #2--The next year, we were in Hilton Head, SC, for spring break--and they got hit by a snowstorm there on the coast. Every business in town closed for two days because of the storm--except for one bar, and it was packed with people from out of town, all making fun of how pathetic these wimps from the South are. Total snowfall--about 3/4 of an inch.

Story #3--Back when the "big blizzard" (sorry, I can't even say that without snickering) hit the east coast about ten years ago, crippling much of DC, NYC, Phillie, etc., a close friend of mine was working in DC in the offices of her Minnesota congressman. Every senator and congressman shut down their offices for the day--except for those from Minnesota, the Dakotas, Wisconsin, Montana, Alaska, a few New England states, and a couple other Midwest ones. Many of those people pulled their snowmobiles out of storage that day just so they could say that the were able to drive to work, and around the capital and mall, on a snowmobile. She has a picture of herself on her snowmobile, in front of Lincoln Memorial. (By the way--to Minnesota and much of the US, that wasn't a blizzard, as most of that snow melted in less than a week. Regardless of how much you get, any snow that melts before March really doesn't count.) :)
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Bill V - Great stories. I visited the Twin Cities one year in January. It was only -29 with the windshield factored in. When we drove away in the morning the car was making this thumping noise. I said what is that noise? Oh, it is the tires they are not completely round and warmed up yet yet from sitting outside in the freezing cold...LOL
The first snow storm we have, everyone will drive like idiots. Totally standard here in southern Maine. But once we get used to driving in it and shoveling it, then it's all good. School doesn't get cancelled until it's already snowing. So the buses have to drive in the snow already to get the kiddies home. Which usually happens 1-2 hours before they were to get out anyways. :rolleyes: Hopefully, we'll have a little bit more snow this year then last year. It was a bust for snowmobilers and ski resorts.
I nbelieve that same storm is going to hit the mountains on Colorado pretty hard tomorrow....not much snow here in Denver from this storm:angry:

It takes at least 6 or more inches and they will think about closing or delaying the schools..;)
I agree with you Bill V. I grew up in South Dakota but attended school out in Maryland. They didnt have very many snow plows in Maryland so anything around an inch or two would shut the whole city down. The good news is that it usually melted within a day or two. Back here in South Dakota it takes a heck of alot of snow to shut the city down. It akes alot of snow in a fast amount of time to cause any problems.
I'm expecting snow in Poland when I land in January. Where I'm going, they average 80 days of snow cover per year and in Jan the average high temp is 32F. If I don't see snow, I may drive a couple hours south to Austria and check out the Governator's hometown. :)

P.S. It is really coming down in Seattle on Monday Night Football. I think Green Bay is going to love this game -- just like home for them. :cool:
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Shoot man, I walked into my living room last night, the wife had Monday Night Football on already and I said "Dang, it's snowing pretty good in Green Bay". She said, "Uh, they're playing in Seattle".
JohnnyO - I said the samething to my wife. The she says, I thought the away team always wore white. Then I noticed they were playing in Seattle...LOL

Another storm is coming in on Wednesday. Today's high 32 with the windshield 9 degrees. Some of the roads are a sheet of ice going into Seattle. My wife works downtown and the President of the company told all employees to stay and work from home.

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