it's time for our AARP members to check in !

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OK, My Theory.. Take your age..

Add 15 years for being married, or, 10 years for a long term relationship.

Add 10 years for each child you have.

Subtract 1 year when they turn 18, and 1 more when they graduate high school.

Add 5 years if you have a mortgage payment or rent payment.

So, I am 43

Married +15

3 children +30

2 over 18 -2

2 graduated HS.. -2

This makes me "feel" 84..

Nothing scientific.. just something I have joked with my wife about for the last 22 years.

I'm almost 56. Can'y wait till i can get my Golden Buckeye card here in Ohio.

Gary G:D
Let's see now. Using Dave's formula


Married +15

2 children +20

both 18 -2

both HS graduates -2

So, that make me 97. mmmm, I don't feel it.

I might 'look' it but don't feel it.

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Will be 71 in November; have had my 05 ST since Feb 06. Had an 01 before that. Just bought a 2000 red Mustang convertible this past Feb. Going strong and having fun!!!
63 next mth wife 62 tomorrow....ah the golden years....between the two of us we are at the doctors at least twice a week.....the reason they call it the golden years is we are gold to the doc' where did I leave my teeth?:D.....
67 here,.........

but after a round of golf in today's 88 temp with a 66% humidity, I feel like Bill B's original 91.....

67 here,.........

but after a round of golf in today's 88 temp with a 66% humidity, I feel like Bill B's original 91.....

oh yea,

i didn't mention the doctors appointments :eek:

although when i go to my cardio doc i am the youngest one in there :angry:

heart attack in my early 40's not to mention all the other crap going on with me
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